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HealthWise  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
Tucson Osteopathic Medical Foundation brings you HealthWise, a weekly conversation with doctors about current health and wellness issues.
4 star rating Average rating based on 1 votes  -  Rate  -  Hits 1305  -  www.clickcaster.com/tomf

TabanMD Oculoplastic Surgeon Podcast  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
The Taban MD podcast shows a look into the work of Dr. Mehryar (Ray) Taban. He is an oculoplastic surgeon who provides his patients with the best possible care within the Beverly Hills area.
4 star rating Average rating based on 1 votes  -  Rate  -  Hits 1242  -  www.tabanmd.com

Banner Therapy  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
Banner Banter features discussions and expert interviews about aromatherapy, chiropractic tools, lower back pain relief, natural health remedies, massage therapy accessories, physical therapy products, spa therapy supplies and more.
4 star rating Average rating based on 1 votes  -  Rate  -  Hits 1169  -  www.bannertherapy.com

Tribe of Blondes Pow Wow Show  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
Advice & Online Dating Site For Singles Seeking Love Secrets of Healthy Relationships
4 star rating Average rating based on 1 votes  -  Rate  -  Hits 1080  -  tribeofblondes.com

Benefits Of The Home Pilates Machine  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
If you want to get in shape or lose weight consider buying a home pilates machine.
4 star rating Average rating based on 1 votes  -  Rate  -  Hits 971  -  podcasts.odiogo.com/the-pilates-machine-is-convenient-affordable/podcasts-html.php

Lose Fat Gain Muscle  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
To gain muscle and lose fat, you need a variety of proteins, vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Eating protein helps build and maintain muscles, but also helps fat loss, since protein has a higher thermic effect than carbs or fats.
4 star rating Average rating based on 1 votes  -  Rate  -  Hits 960  -  losefatscooby-gainmuscle.com/

Health Insights Network  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
Join me for discussions on health topics. Understand why it is optimum to maintain a healthy lifestyle along with an open mind to succeed in love, life and happiness.
4 star rating Average rating based on 1 votes  -  Rate  -  Hits 804  -  www.blogtalkradio.com/healthinsightsnetwork

Innovations Radio  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
Dr. Verret's internet radio show focusses on helping people look and feel their best. With interviews of the news makers in plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, fitness, and wellness, Dr. Verret provides education for patients looking for a change.
3 star rating Average rating based on 43 votes  -  Rate  -  Hits 1654  -  radio.innovationsfps.com

Burn Down Body Fat  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
Using P90X, beachbody products, and other fitness plans, Dennis and Tami discuss successes and failures while trying to achieve their fitness goals.
3 star rating Average rating based on 32 votes  -  Rate  -  Hits 868  -  burndownbodyfat.podbean.com

The Cancer Survivor Show  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
Tune in to their weekly podcast show as Sharon and Lucy, aka The Chemo Girls, share their stories, provide insights into cancer treatment, and extend a life-line to those affected by a fresh cancer diagnosis.
3 star rating Average rating based on 25 votes  -  Rate  -  Hits 1119  -  thecancersurvivorshow.com

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