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Liberal Fix Radio
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A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Bimrose Progressive Media founder, Dan Bimrose with co-host Crystal Kayser

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Podcast Episode's:
Liberal Fix Radio with Keith & Naomi
Today's current events.
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Liberal Fix with Guest Wayne Avrashow
Wayne is author of Roll the Dice
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Liberal Fix Radio with guest Lisa Stulberg
Lisa Stulberg is Associate Professor of Sociology of Education at New York University. Her research focuses on the politics of race and education, affirmative action in higher education,school choice policy and politics, and LGBTQ social change. She is the author LQBTQ Social Movements.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Gordon Lafer
This episode features Gordon Lafer, author of The One Percent Solution: How Corporations Are Remaking America One State at a Time.
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Inauguration Day Edition: Day 1 of the Resistance
Liberal Fix radio returns to the air on Trump's inauguration day. Co-hosts Keith Brekhus and Naomi Minogue will discuss the new political landscape in America, as we prepare to join millions of fellow Americans in resisting the Trump/Pence agenda. Welcome to day 1 of the resistance.    
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Liberal Fix radio with guest Elizabeth Schwartz
Liberal Fix guest Elizabeth F. Schwartz is author of Before I Do: A Legal Guide to Marriage, Gay and Otherwise.
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Liberal Fix radio with Guest Andy Lazris
Andy Lazris is a medical doctor and author of Curing Medicare: A Doctor's View on How Our Health Care System Is Failing Older Americans and How We Can Fix It.
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Liberal Fix radio with guest Rashad Shabazz
Rashad Shabazz is an associate professor in School of Social Transformation at Arizona State University. He is the author of Spatializing Blackness: Architectures of Confinement and Masculinity in Chicago.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest John Perkins
John Perkins is author of The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.
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Liberal Fix radio with Guest Ralph Frerichs
Ralph Frerichs is author of Deadly River: Cholera and Cover-up in Post-earthquake Haiti. 
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Jean Trounstine
Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Jean Trounstine
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Gerald Moore
Interview with Gerald Moore, former editor of Life magazine during the 1960s.
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Liberal Fix Radio
Liberal Fix radio with guest Debbie Jian Lee
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Liberal Fix Radio
Liberal Fix radio with guest Thomas Kochan
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Liberal Fix Radio With Guest Deepa Iyer
Deepa Iyer is a leading racial justice activist who served for a decade as the executive director of South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT), focusing on community building in post-9/11 America. She teaches in the Asian American studies program at the University of Maryland. She is the author of We Too Sing America: South Asian, Arab, Muslim, and Sikh Immigrants Shape Our Multiracial Future.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Guest Duane Burghard, Author and Entrepreneur : Liberal Fix ENCORE
ENCORE EPISODE:  This episode our guest is Duane Burghard. Duane is a former U.S. Navy Officer and two-time candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Missouri. He was the Democratic nominee for Congress in Missouri's 9th Congressional District in 2006.  Duane has started over 15 businesses and is a self-proclaimed "recovering serial entrepreneur". He is an effective and entertaining writer and public speaker. Duane's written essays can be read at duaneburghard.blogspot.com. He is also the author of GOPTO, his first novel. He currently lives with his family in Tucson, Arizona. In this episode, Duane will talk about his new book. He will also share his insights on the current political climate in the United States and the relevant political topics of the past week including the Confederate flag controversy and the rise of Donald Trump's bigoted presidential campaign. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue...Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfix.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio Discusses Syrian Refugee Policy
Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio Talks Marijuana Politics With Pot-repreneur Anthony Franciosi
Colorado "Pot-repreneur" Anthony Franciosi is the founder of The Honest Marijuana Company, which utilizes all-natural cultivation methods to produce only the finest organic and eco-conscious cannabis products.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio Encore: With Mike McCabe
Guest Mike McCabe brings a farming background and a professional lifetime of experience in politics, journalism, public sector management and nonprofit leadership to his work as he exposes government corruption and works for reforms that make people matter more than money in politics.  Mike is one of Wisconsin’s leading whistle blowers and is among the nation’s best political money trackers. His efforts have attracted the attention of national news networks including ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, MSNBC, NPR and Al-Jazeera English, as well as newspapers including The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today and Wall Street Journal, and magazines such as Time and New Yorker. Among the many media organizations citing Mike’s work or quoting him in their stories are national news services such as The Associated Press, Bloomberg News, McClatchy and Reuters, as well as online political news sites like Politico.com, Slate.com, and Huffington Post. A much sought-after public speaker, Mike has made nearly 1,400 presentations to a wide range of audiences over the course of his career. He is also the author of Blue Jeans in High Places. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfix.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Doniece Sandoval from Lava Mae - An Update : Liberal Fix ENCORE
Doniece Sandoval of Lava Mae gives us an update on her efforts to help the homeless. Naomi Minogue, guest co-host John Sheirer, and Keith Brekhus discuss contemporary GOP House shenanigans and the need to get out the vote in 2014. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio with award-winning film maker Ellin Jimmerson
Ellin Jimmerson is an award winning film maker. She has a Masters in Southern History from Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama, a Ph. D. in 20th Century United States History from the University of Houston, Texas, and a Masters in Theological Studies from Vanderbilt University with a concentration in Latin American liberation theology. Her film "The Second Cooler" is scheduled for public release on November 2nd. The Second Cooler is a documentary about illegal migration shot primarily in Alabama, Arizona, and in northern and central Mexico. The premise is that Arizona is the new Alabama—the epicenter of an intense struggle for migrant justice. The documentary’s purpose is to bring basic migration issues into focus. Those issues include the impact of free trade agreements on migration, the lack of a legal way for poor Latin Americans to come to the United States, the inherent abuses of the guest worker program, the fact that many migrants are indigenous people, anti-immigrant politics in Alabama, the thousands of migrant deaths at the border, and an escalating ideology of the border. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio ENCORE: with Guest Eve Spangler
Eve Spangler is a sociologist and a human and civil rights activist. She is the Assistant Chair of the Boston College Department of Sociology.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Covers The Oregon Mass Shooting and More
Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio Encore: with guest Allan Johnson
Allan G. Johnson is a nonfiction author, novelist, sociologist, public speaker, and workshop presenter who has devoted most of his working life to understanding the human condition, especially in relation to issues of social justice rooted in gender, race, and social class. He has spoken at more than 200 universities, colleges, corporations, and other organizations in 39 states.  Allan’s latest book, Not from Here, is a personal exploration of the meaning of being white in North America. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio Talks Mass Incarceration With James Kilgore
Liberal Fix interviews guest James Kilgore, author of Mass Incarceration: A People's Guide to the Key Civil Rights Struggle of our Time. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio With Guest John Diamond
Liberal Fix interviews John B. Diamond, co-author of Despite the Best Intentions: How Racial Inequality Thrives in Good Schools. John is the Hoefs-Bascom Associate Professor in the Dept. of Educational Leadership and Analysis, and a faculty affiliate in the Dept. of Afro-American Studies and Educational Policy Studies at the University of Wisconisn-Madison. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix radio: Encore presentation with Mike McCabe
Guest Mike McCabe brings a farming background and a professional lifetime of experience in politics, journalism, public sector management and nonprofit leadership to his work as he exposes government corruption and works for reforms that make people matter more than money in politics.  Mike is one of Wisconsin’s leading whistle blowers and is among the nation’s best political money trackers. His efforts have attracted the attention of national news networks including ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, MSNBC, NPR and Al-Jazeera English, as well as newspapers including The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today and Wall Street Journal, and magazines such as Time and New Yorker. Among the many media organizations citing Mike’s work or quoting him in their stories are national news services such as The Associated Press, Bloomberg News, McClatchy and Reuters, as well as online political news sites like Politico.com, Slate.com, and Huffington Post. A much sought-after public speaker, Mike has made nearly 1,400 presentations to a wide range of audiences over the course of his career. He is also the author of Blue Jeans in High Places. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio Discusses Hurricane Katrina 10 Yrs Later and Disaster Politics
Keith and Naomi discuss Hurricane Katrina and the politics of exploitation on the 10th anniversary of the natural disaster. They cover the intersection of disaster capitalism and racial politics, and how it relates both to the events in 2005 and what is still happening today. Keith and Naomi Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix- Keith & Naomi Discuss the GOP's Borderline Insanity on Immigration
Keith and Naomi discuss the Republican Party's hard right turn on immigration, including multiple candidates calling for an end to birthright citizenship and at least one candidate's support for military drone strikes on American soil to target suspected "illegals".  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with guest Allan Johnson
Allan G. Johnson is a nonfiction author, novelist, sociologist, public speaker, and workshop presenter who has devoted most of his working life to understanding the human condition, especially in relation to issues of social justice rooted in gender, race, and social class. He has spoken at more than 200 universities, colleges, corporations, and other organizations in 39 states.  Allan’s latest book, Not from Here, is a personal exploration of the meaning of being white in North America. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Eve Spangler
Eve Spangler is a sociologist and a human and civil rights activist. She is the Assistant Chair of the Boston College Department of Sociology.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Irene Hernandez-Blair
This episode's guest is Chino Valley Unified School District (CA) President Irene Hernandez-Blair. We discuss local politics and the need for school board officials to value inclusivity and to put children first. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Ira Chaleff
Ira Chaleff’s Intelligent Disobedience: Doing Right When What You’re Told to Do Is Wrong: Torture at Abu Ghraib. Corporate fraud. Falsified records at Veterans Administration hospitals. Teachers pressured to feed test answers to students. These scandals could have been prevented if, early on, people had said ‘no’ to their higher-ups. In his timely book, Chaleff—one of Leadership Excellence magazine’s “100 Best Minds on Leadership”—uses dozens of vivid examples of historical events and everyday situations, and offers advice on judging whether intelligent disobedience is called for, how to effectively express opposition, and how to create a culture where, rather than “just following orders,” citizens are educated and encouraged to think about whether those orders make sense.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue...every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Duane Burghard
This episode our guest is Duane Burghard. Duane is a former U.S. Navy Officer and two-time candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Missouri. He was the Democratic nominee for Congress in Missouri's 9th Congressional District in 2006.  Duane has started over 15 businesses and is a self-proclaimed "recovering serial entrepreneur". He is an effective and entertaining writer and public speaker. Duane's written essays can be read at duaneburghard.blogspot.com. He is also the author of GOPTO, his first novel. He currently lives with his family in Tucson, Arizona. In this episode, Duane will talk about his new book. He will also share his insights on the current political climate in the United States and the relevant political topics of the past week including the Confederate flag controversy and the rise of Donald Trump's bigoted presidential campaign. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue...Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Encore: "Tales of A Real American Liberal" Author John Sheirer
The Liberal Fix team interviews John Sheirer, author of Tales of a Real American Liberal.  John and the crew will be discussing how liberals and conservatives can learn to play together.  John will also stick around to discuss the major news item, the progress of gun control reform. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio - The Supreme Court's Big Week
Keith and Naomi discuss the three major court rulings handed down this week that were prorgessive victories. The rulings discussed will include preserving a law against discrimination in housing, upholding Obamacare subsidies, and the landmark ruling in favor of the right to marry.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio - Perspectives on Charleston
Keith and Naomi discuss the Charleston shootings, and tie in racism, gun culture and the socio-political context of the domestic terror attack. They also remember the nine fallen members of Emanuel AME Church. The killer's name will not be mentioned during the broadcast.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Susan Greenhalgh
This episode features Harvard University Professor of Anthropology Susan Greenhalgh, author of Fat-Talk Nation: The Human Costs of America's War on Fat. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio- The Week in Politics
Keith and Naomi discuss the week in politics. Topics discussed include the tragic passing of Beau Biden, the Dennis Hastert sex abuse revelations, and the continued unraveling of Sam Brownback's Kansas. Keith and Naomi also highlight a union victory in Missouri with Governor Nixon vetoing right to work legislation, and they take a look at the Democrats' strong recruiting class for the 2016 Senate races. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio With Guest Mike McCabe
Guest Mike McCabe brings a farming background and a professional lifetime of experience in politics, journalism, public sector management and nonprofit leadership to his work as he exposes government corruption and works for reforms that make people matter more than money in politics.  Mike is one of Wisconsin’s leading whistle blowers and is among the nation’s best political money trackers. His efforts have attracted the attention of national news networks including ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox, NBC, MSNBC, NPR and Al-Jazeera English, as well as newspapers including The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today and Wall Street Journal, and magazines such as Time and New Yorker. Among the many media organizations citing Mike’s work or quoting him in their stories are national news services such as The Associated Press, Bloomberg News, McClatchy and Reuters, as well as online political news sites like Politico.com, Slate.com, and Huffington Post. A much sought-after public speaker, Mike has made nearly 1,400 presentations to a wide range of audiences over the course of his career. He is also the author of Blue Jeans in High Places. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio Encore with Guest Allen Clifton of Forward Progressives
This episode will include a pre-recorded interview with special guest Allen Clifton. Allen  is from the Dallas-Fort Worth area and has a degree in Political Science. He is a co-founder of Forward Progressives, and author of the popular Right Off A Cliff column. He is also the founder of the Right Off A Cliff facebook page, on which he routinely voices his opinions and stirs the pot for the Progressive movement. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Hollye Dexter
Hollye Dexter is author of the memoir Fire Season (She Writes Press, 2015) and co-editor of Dancing at the Shame Prom (Seal Press)-- praised by bestselling author Gloria Feldt (former CEO of Planned Parenthood) as “…a brilliant book that just might change your life.” Her essays and articles about women’s issues, activism and politics have been published in anthologies as well as in Maria Shriver’s Architects of Change, Huffington Post, The Feminist Wire and more. In 2003, she founded the award-winning nonprofit Art and Soul, running arts workshops for teenagers in the foster care system. She currently teaches writing workshops and works as an activist for gun violence prevention in L.A., where she lives with her husband and a houseful of kids and pets. www.hollyedexter.net If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio w/ Guest Professor Joel Westheimer
This episode's guest is University of Ottawa Democarcay and Education Professor Joel Westheimer, author of What Kind of Citizen: Educating Our Children for the Common Good. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio Talks Income Inequality With Guest Lorraine Chavez
Guest Lorraine Chavez is an educator, policy analyst and economic justice advocate based in Chicago, Illinois. In 2013 she was the campaign spokesperson for the Fight for 15 campaign as it launched in Chicago and nationally. She is a doctoral candidate in the political science department at the University of Chicago, a National Academy of the Sciences and Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellow, and a Diversifying Illinois Faculty Fellow. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix ENCORE Victor Pickard, Author of Americas Battle For Media Democracy
This episode our special guest is Victor Pickard. He is the author of America’s Battle for Media Democracy: The Triumph of Corporate Libertarianism and the Future of Media Reform. He is an Assistant Professor of Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest John Sheirer
This episode features, John Sheirer, friend of the show, and author of Tales of a Real American Liberal. Keith and Naomi will join John in discussing the hot political topics of today. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with HIV/AIDS Dr. Susan Ball
This episode features a pre-recorded interview with Medical Doctor Susan Ball. She is author of Voices in the Band: a Doctor, her patients, and how the outlook on AIDS care changed from doomed to hopeful. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio: Indiana Gov Signs Anti-Gay Law, Sen. Reid To Retire and More
Keith and Naomi will discuss the fallout from Indiana Governor Mike Pence signing the state's anti-gay law. They will also discuss Harry Reid retiring, and other important news from the week. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix With Guest Lou Colagiovanni
In this episode, Guest Lou Colagiovanni from Ruthless Politics, will join Keith Brekhus in discussing modern policing and the current conflict between police department policies and independent journalism. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix ENCORE: Perspectives on Current Politics
Keith and Naomi discuss contemporary politics including the GOP presidential hopefuls, the race to replace Barbara Boxer in CA 2016, gun politics, the Tea party debacle in Brownback's Kansas, climate change, and more. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix: Week In Review
Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio-CPAC Convention "Highlights" and More
Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Encore: with Guest Maya Schenwar
This episode features Truthout editor-in-chief Maya Schenwar and author of Locked Down, Locked Out: Why Prison Doesn’t Work and How We Can Do Better. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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ENCORE: Liberal Fix Radio w/Lorraine Chavez and Economist David Ruccio
Friday Night's episode will feature Lorraine Chavez and David Ruccio disucssing income inequality. Lorraine was the 2013 spokesperson in Chicago for Fight for 15 and she is now continuing her activism for workers rights in the food and retail industry in the greater Chicago area. David is a Professor of Economics at the University of Notre Dame. David also blogs at Occasional Links and Commentary on Economics, Culture and Society and at Real World Economics, Review Blog. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Allen Clifton of Forward Progressives
This episode will include a pre-recorded interview with special guest Allen Clifton. Allen  is from the Dallas-Fort Worth area and has a degree in Political Science. He is a co-founder of Forward Progressives, and author of the popular Right Off A Cliff column. He is also the founder of the Right Off A Cliff facebook page, on which he routinely voices his opinions and stirs the pot for the Progressive movement. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix w/ Victor Pickard, Author of Americas Battle For Media Democracy
This episode our special guest is Victor Pickard. He is the author of America’s Battle for Media Democracy: The Triumph of Corporate Libertarianism and the Future of Media Reform. He is an Assistant Professor of Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio With Guest Mason Wartman Owner of Rosa's Fresh Pizza
This episode's guest is Mason Wartman,,a fomer NYC banker, who now runs an innovative pizza restaraunt that has garnered national attention for "pay it foward" efforts that helps feed homeless patrons and others in need. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio- Perspectives on Current Politics
Keith and Naomi discuss contemporary politics including the GOP presidential hopefuls, the race to replace Barbara Boxer in CA 2016, gun politics, the Tea party debacle in Brownback's Kansas, climate change, and more. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix - The 114th Congress
Keith and Naomi discuss the new congress. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix- Gun Culture in America
Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and/or tackle tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Chad Hauser
This episode's guest is Chad Hauser, Executive Director of Cafe Momentum. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Maya Schenwar
This episode features Truthout editor-in-chief Maya Schenwar and author of Locked Down, Locked Out: Why Prison Doesn’t Work and How We Can Do Better. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Nicollette Hahn Niman
This episode features Nicollette Hahn Niman, author of Defending Beef: The Manifesto of an Environmental Lawyer Turned Cattle Rancher. Nicolette Hahn Niman previously served as senior attorney for the Waterkeeper Alliance, running their campaign to reform the concentrated production of livestock and poultry. In recent years she has gained a national reputation as an advocate for sustainable food production and improved farm–animal welfare. She has written for numerous publications, including the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Huffington Post, and The Atlantic online.  Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Guest Tim Kuhner
This episode features Tim Kuhner, author of Capitalism v Democracy. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Encore with Walter Brasch, author of "Fracking Pennsylvania"
Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.   If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio- Post-Election Show
Keith and Naomi discuss the outcome of the 2014 Midterm elections. Our co-hosts will provide analysis of the 2014 results and the future of liberal politics. In addition, we will resist the temptation to follow others in conducting an autopsy on the Democratic Party, pointing instead to what we can do to turn things around in time for 2016. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio- Midterm Election 2014
Keith and Naomi will discuss the political landscape for the upcoming 2014 Midterm elections.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix ENCORE: w/ VT State Senator David Zuckerman (Progressive Party)
This episode will feature Vermont Progressive Party State Senator David Zuckerman. We will discuss progressive politics, Vermont's GMO-labeling law, and the success of Vermont's Progressive Party. Excellence in Progressive Radio.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Encore : Liz Accles of Community Food Advocates
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Liz Accles, Executive Director for Community Food Advocates in New York City.  The discussion focuses on the problem with school aged children going hungry in NYC and the pursuit of a universal school meal program. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Encore: Raul Salazar, Program Manager for Quixote Village
Join us as we talk to Raul Salazar about Quixote Village. Quixote Village is a self-governing community of about 30 homeless adults, supported by Panza, a non-profit corporation built from local faith communities and friends. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ North Dakota State Reps Gail Mooney and Kylie Oversen
Listen in as host Naomi Minogue is joined by Gail Mooney, North Dakota State Representative for District #20 and Kylie Oversen, North Dakota State Representative for District #42 for a discussion about North Dakota state legislation and women's health issues. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Encore: w/ GST Historian and "Sixteen Tons" Author Kevin Corley
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. This episode is hosted by Dan Bimrose and features a pre-recorded interview with author and historian Kevin Corley.  In the novel "Sixteen Tons", Mr. Corley tells the story of the coal mine wars between the companies and the union organizers, that took place in the United States in the early 1900's.   If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Encore : w/ Hoosier School Heist Author Doug Martin
The Liberal Fix team is honored to present Doug Martin, the author of Hoosier Shool Heist for the real truth on the privatization of public schools and what is really behind conservative reform efforts.  They discuss the tactics of the right and what we on the left can do to stop what is going on and create awareness around the country.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Encore: W/ Sociologist Salvatore Balbones (Ep 72)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Salvatore Babones.  Mr. Babones is a senior lecturer in sociology and social policy at the University of Sydney and an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). He holds both a master's degree in statistics and a Ph.D. in sociology from the Johns Hopkins University. Before moving to Australia in 2008, he worked in financial risk management and taught sociology and statistics at several universities in the United States. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook
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Liberal Fix Radio with Sandy Anglin Phillips and Deborah Hernandez
  Special guests Sandy Anglin Phillips (campaign manager at the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence) and Deborah Hernandez (So Cal chapter leader with Moms Demand Action) will join co-hosts Naomi Minogue and John Sheirer to discuss the recent gun tragedy in Arizona where a 9 year old girl accidentally shot a man to death with an uzi. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Encore: Guest Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team interviews Mark Potok from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Join us as we have a great discussion concerning the development of hate groups within the U.S. and what can be done to combat the proliferation of hate crimes. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio- Ferguson, MO Unrest and Rick Perry Indicted
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. In this episode, Keith and Naomi will discuss the civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri as well as the felony indictments passed down today against Texas Governor Rick Perry. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Encore w/ House Candidate Amardeep Kaleka from Paul Ryan's District
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Join the Liberal Fix team as they welcome Democratic Congressional candidate from Wisconsin's 1rst District, Armadeep Kaleka.  Mr. Kaleka hopes to challenge Representative Paul Ryan for his seat in Congress.  Amardeep Kaleka is a former teacher, an Emmy Award winning filmmaker, and community organizer.  After the death of his father, who died protecting members from an attack from a gunman at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, of which he was the President, Amardeep Kaleka became involved in gun legislation and anti-violence campaigns.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio w/ update from Doniece Sandoval from Lava Mae
Doniece Sandoval of Lava Mae gives us an update on her efforts to help the homeless. Naomi Minogue, guest co-host John Sheirer, and Keith Brekhus discuss contemporary GOP House shenanigans and the need to get out the vote in 2014. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Encore: Remembering Sandy Hook w/ Sarah Clements
This episode first aired December 13, 2013. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix seeks not to relive or revisit the tragedy that occurred nearly one year ago at Sandy Hook Elementary, but rather pay tribute once again to those who have been lost. We discuss a much different Newtown, Connecticut that is still healing, but growing stronger every day in part through the help of activists like the very inspirational Sarah Clements.  During this very memorable episode we feature a special pre-recorded inverview with Sarah Clements. Sarah Clements is a senior at Newtown High School. Her mother is a teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School and a survivor of the shooting in December. Sarah uses change and activism to transform her painful experiences into positive action. She founded and leads the Jr. Newtown Action Alliance, the student branch of the Newtown Action Alliance, a grassroots organization that formed after 12/14 looking to address the issue of gun violence in America through legislative and cultural change. She looks forward to continuing her work in gun violence prevention by working with young people around the country, in urban and suburban areas, to help solve this problem which affects her generation so disproportionately.    
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Liberal Fix: Joe Scarborough Says What? and Jeez It Sure Is Hot
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Tonight's episode is hosted by Dan Bimrose.  He will be discussing Joe Scarborough's having to eat crow, the hottest June on record, a heartwarming rally in Texas about the influx of undocumented minors and homophobe Tony Dungy. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio-Keith and Naomi Talk Campaigns and What it Will Take to Win
Keith and Naomi will talk about 2014 campaign season as both are currently working on Democratic campaigns. We also may open up the phone lines and invite calls from fellow progressives and people attending the Netroots Nation convention in Detroit. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Dan Bimrose Focuses In On Income Inequality
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule.   Tonight Dan Bimrose talks about income inequality.  He discusses Nick Hanauer's recent article "The Pitchforks Are Coming For Us Plutocrats." at politico.com, and another article which suggests that the Bush tax cuts cost all of us a lot of money. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Dan and Lou Colagiovanni Discuss TX GOP Cheats and Boehner's Folly
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. For tonight's episode Dan Bimrose and Lou Colagiovanni discuss a drop in the deficit, Texas GOP in trouble over gerrymandering and John Boehner and his lawsuit. Lou is a Staff writer at WTF Magazine, Editor in Chief at We survived Bush. You will survive Obama. and Political and Criminal Journalist at Examiner.com. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: US Border Issues w/ Ben Johnson of American Immigration Council
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. You do not want to miss this episode Hosted by Naomi Minogue along with special guest co-host John Sheirer, author of Real American Liberal as they feature an interview with Ben Johnson, Executive Director of the American Immigration Council on what is a very imporant issue at the moment, the problem of scores of undocumented children showing up at the border.  What is going on, what is being done about the issue and how can we do better? If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Perry Snubs Obama, GOP Chooses Cleveland, Is Chaffetz Delusional?
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. In this episode Dan Bimrose discusses Rick Perry's snub of President Obama, the GOP chooses to have the 2016 Republican Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz predicts that Mitt Romney will run and be the next President in 2016.  Dan finishes the episode by exploring the concept of a guaranteed income. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Dan and Lou Colagiovanni Talk Crime and Jobs
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. For tonight's episode Dan Bimrose and Lou Colagiovanni discuss a couple cases he has been following and finish up by discussing the recent positive job numbers. Lou is a Staff writer at WTF Magazine, Editor in Chief at We survived Bush. You will survive Obama. and Political and Criminal Journalist at Examiner.com. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Economist David Ruccio and Lorraine Chavez : July 4th ENCORE
For the July 4th episode we will be airing an encore episode that originally aired February 14th of this year.  It has been one of our most popular episodes thus far as the Liberal Fix team and their guests discuss income inequality. David is a Professor of Economics at the University of Notre Dame. David also blogs at Occasional Links and Commentary on Economics, Culture and Society and at Real World Economics, Review Blog. Lorraine was the 2013 spokesperson in Chicago for Fight for 15 and she is now continuing her activism for workers rights in the food and retail industry in the greater Chicago area. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix with Special Guest Claire Conner on the Hobby Lobby Ruling
Claire Conner, author of Wrapped in the Flag will join us to discuss the Supreme Court ruling on the Hobby Lobby case. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix with Walter Brasch, author of "Fracking Pennsylvania"
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ MO Dem State Rep Stacey Newman (HD-87)
An interview with MO Democratic State Representative Stacey Newman (HD-87) discussing recent gun bills in the MO legislature. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ GST Historian and "Sixteen Tons" Author Kevin Corley
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. This episode is hosted by Dan Bimrose and features a pre-recorded interview with author and historian Kevin Corley.  In the novel "Sixteen Tons", Mr. Corley tells the story of the coal mine wars between the companies and the union organizers, that took place in the United States in the early 1900's.   As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Harvey Kaye on FDR and the "Four Freedoms"
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. This episode features a pre-recorded interview with historian and author Harvey J. Kaye.  The discussion revolves around his book The Fight for the Four Freedoms:What Made FDR and the Greatest Generation Truly Great. Harvey J. Kaye is the Ben and Joyce Rosenberg Professor of Democracy and Justice Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. An award-winning author, Kaye has published fifteen books on history, politics, and ideas, contributed articles and essays to a diverse array of publications As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Post-Cantor GOP House Leadership Shuffle and More
Keith and Dan discuss the leadership shuffle in the Republican House after Cantor's stunning primary defeat. They will also discuss the shooting of a BLM agent at a California campground and additional topics time permitting. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Dem Congressional Candidate Michael Cole (TX-36)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/Nell Bernstein, Author of "Burning Down the House"
This episode features special guest Nell Burnstein, author of Burning Down the House: The End of Juvenile Prison.  As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Talks Immigration w/ Rev. Ellin Jimmerson
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana along with Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the two of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: The End of Eric Cantor as We Know It and I Feel Fine
Naomi, Keith and special guest Lou Colagiovanni discuss Eric Cantor's stunning defeat and also legislation put forth by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders to help students and veterans. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Monday with Dan Bimrose and Guest Co-host Sarah Wood
The "Opinionated Democrat" Sarah Wood, joins host Dan Bimrose for a discussion on the treatment of Bowe Bergdahl and his parents as well as another case of gun violence this time in Nevada.  This case of gun violence was perpetrated by two Cliven Bundy devotees who draped the Gadsden "Don't Tread on Me" Flag over one of the deceased police officers. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Dr. Suzanna Walters, Author of "The Tolerance Trap"
This episode features an interview with Suzanna Walters, Sociology Professor and Director of Women's, Gender and Sexuality tudies at Northeastern University. She is the author of The Tolerance Trap: How God, Genes, and Good Intentions are Sabotaging Gay Equality. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix: Election Night (6/3) Recap
Keith and Naomi recap the election results from the Tuesday June 3rd primaries. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: The Release of American POW Bowe Bergdahl
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Ladd Everitt from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence
Ladd Everitt, from the Coalition to stop Gun Violence, discusses the proposed gun violence restraining order bill being proposed in the CA Assembly in the wake of the Isla Vista killings. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix w/ VT State Senator David Zuckerman (Progressive Party)
This episode will feature Vermont Progressive Party State Senator David Zuckerman. We will discuss progressive politics, Vermont's GMO-labeling law, and the success of Vermont's Progressive Party. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Memorial Day Reflections (and Isla Vista Massacre)
Keith and Naomi will share some Memorial Day thoughts. They will also recognize the victims of the Isla Vista killings and discuss what happened and what can be done do to try to prevent more incidents like it. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Laura Fronckiewicz, Anti-Fracking Activist in Colorado
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix w/ Kellye Burke, TX Chapter Leader of Moms Demand Action
TX Chapter Leader of Mom's Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Kellye Burke will discuss bullying tactics of some members of the pro gun movement and she will discuss the recent Open Carry demonstration in a Chipotle Restaurant and the restuarant's response. . Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Trouble in GOP-Campaign Land
Dan and Keith discuss the bizarre problems surfacing in Republican campaigns, including the arrest of a supporter of MS Republican Senate candidate Chris McDaniel who allegedly broke into a nursing home to take pictures of Senator Thad Cochran's wife. Also a look at Oregon Governor's race Republican candidate Monica Wehby, and accusations that she harassed her ex-boyfriend and her ex-husband. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix- Operation American Spring Flops and Rove vs Hillary
Keith, Dan and Naomi will discuss the Comical flop of the Tea Party inspired American Spring demonstration in DC. In addition, they will discuss Karl Rove's bizarre allegations that maybe Hillary Clinton suffered brain damage. Needless to say, we at Liberal Fix, are actually more concerned about Karl Rove's apparent brain pathology.  Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix: Marco Rubio's Climate Change Denialism, Tea Party Tuesday and More
Keith and Naomi discuss Marco Rubio's climate change denialism, Tea Party electoral success in Nebraska and West Virginia Tuesday night, and Idaho joining the list of states that allow gay marriage. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Michael Sam drafted by Rams, becomes first openly gay NFL draftee
  Keith discusses the weekend news including Michael Sam making history by becoming the first openly gay player to be drafted by an NFL team.  Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Trish Causey (D) candidate for C0ngress in (MS-04)
This episode features Trish Causey, a progressive pro-choice, pro-marriage equality, pro-living wage Democrat running for Congress in Mississippi's 4th Congressional District. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix w/Kellye Burke, TX Chapter Leader of Moms Demand Action
This episode features a live interview with Kellye Burke, the Texas chapter leader for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Number of Americans without Health Insurance Plummets and More
Dan and Keith will discuss the drop in the number of Americans without health insurance as reflected by the latest Gallup survey. They will also discuss the 5-4 Supreme Court ruling upholding "Christian" public prayer at government meetings.  Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Author Jed Morey
This episode features guest Jed Morey, author of The Great American Disconnect: Seven Fundamental Threats to our Democracy. Jed Morey is the publisher of the Long Island Press, Long Island’s Cultural Arts and Investigative News Journal. He also serves on the board of the Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center in Nassau County, as well as the President’s Council of Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Long Island.  Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix: Two Court Rulings Progressives Can Appreciate
Liberal Fix co-hosts Keith and Naomi discuss two favorable court rulings for progressives this week. A court threw out Wisconsin's restrictive voter ID law and the Supreme Court upheld an EPA rule that limits air pollution. We will cover these cases and possibly more on this episode of Liberal Fix radio.  Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: UCC Church Sues NC Over Gay Marriage Ban and More
Keith and Dan discuss the United Church of Christ filing a lawsuit against NC's gay marriage ban on the grounds that it violates their religious freedom. Also things are looking grim for GOP Rep Michael Grimm who is facing federal charges for mail fraud, wire fraud, filing false tax returns, hiring unauthorized aliens, and perjury. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Discusses the NRA Convention in Indianapolis
This episode we will discuss the NRA convention in Indianapolis this weekend, as well as have a conversation about Cliven Bundy and racism inside the Western "anti-government" sagebrush rebellion movement. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix: Supreme Ct Ruling on Affirmative Action Case and More
Keith and Naomi will discuss the Supreme Court's 6-2 ruling upholding Michigan's ban on race-based Affirmative Action in college admissions. They will also discuss a NYT poll of four Southern states showing Democratic Senate candidates with decent numbers and also showing that two Democratic Governors in the South who accepted the Medicaid expansion are very popular. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Sociologist, Author and Activist Betsy Leondar-Wright
This episode will feature a live discussion with Betsy Leondar-Wright author of Missing Class: Strengthening Social Movement Groups by Seeing Class Cultures. Betsy is an economic justice activist, sociologist, and author, who writes on class and economic inequality. She has a PhD in Sociology from Boston College and she is a former Communications Director for United for a Fair Economy.  As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio- w/ ND State Rep Kylie Oversen (D- Dist 42)
An interview with North Dakota State Representative Democrat Kylie Oversen (ND-42). A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix: Judge Strikes Down ND Anti-Choice Law and More
Keith and Naomi discuss todays ruling by a federal judge striking down North Dakota's anti-abortion law. They will also remember the 7th Anniversary of the VA Tech shootings and discuss the launch of the new organization Everytown for Gun Safety Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix discusses Cliven Bundy ranch dispute and KS shootings
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  This Monday's episode Keith and Dan will discuss the dispute between Cliven Bundy and the BLM in Nevada and the Jewish Community Center shootings in Kansas. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: With Guest "Wrapped in the Flag" Author Claire Conner
Keith and Naomi are joined by Claire Conner, the author of Wrapped in the Flag.  Claire grew up in the fold of the John Birch Society and as such can give valuable insight into the actions of the extremist right wing in the United States.  Tonight there will be an hour of discussion about today's Libertarians, the recent Supreme Court ruling on limits on election spending and updated information on the recent paperback release of "Wrapped In The Flag."  Claire Conner on Facebook and Twitter. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix: Keith is Joined by Sam Bell, Rhode Island State. Rep. Candidate
Host Keith Brekhus is joined by Rhode Island State Representative candidate Sam Bell.  Mr. Bell is a graduate student at Brown University and the leader of the Rhode Island chapter of the Progressive Democrats of America.  He recently received a great deal of publicity around the country as the man who took down the NRA in Rhode Island.  He is seeking the District 4 seat of outgoing Representative and former Speaker Gordon Fox. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest George Fisher on US Desensitization to Gun Violence
Guest George Fisher joins Host Dan Bimrose for a discussion on the America's desensitization to Gun Violence in the wake of the Ford Hood shootings and the media's insatiable coverage of the downed Malaysian airliner.  They also talk about the 7.1 million Obamacare sign-ups and single payer healthcare.   George Fisher is a former news producer and talk show host. George is the host of the George Fisher Show. He is a writer, blogger and progressive activist. George successfully predicted the 2012 presidential election with 100% accuracy. George has been on several national morning talk shows and has spoken out against the national Tea Party movement. Since 2012, George has written a book that will be published at the end of 2014–early 2015. Find George on Facebook and Twitter.  Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix with Author Doug Martin on the Privatization of Schools
The Liberal Fix team is honored to present Doug Martin, the author of Hoosier Shool Heist for the real truth on the privatization of public schools and what is really behind conservative reform efforts.  They discuss the tactics of the right and what we on the left can do to stop what is going on and create awareness around the country.   A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue and joined by founder writer Dan Bimrose.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Naomi & the "Opinionated Democrat" Sarah Wood Discuss Hobby Lobby
Host Naomi Minogue and Facebook's popular Opinionated Democrat Sarah Wood discuss the Hobby Lobby case before the Supreme Court.  They discuss why a corporation should not be given the same freedom of Religion that an individual has.  Sarah is the Editor-in-Chief of the satirical online news publication FreeWoodPost.com and the opinion website politicalshake.com. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Dan and Lou Colagiovanni discuss Dems Chances in Senate and House
Dan Bimrose welcomes back Lou Colagiovanni from We Survived Bush, You will Survive Obama for a discussion on the Senate and House races for 2014. Mr. Colagiovanni is also a political and criminal journalist at examiner.com and is the owner/editor-in-chief at ruthless-politics.com.How is it looking for Democrats in 2014 and what do the Democrats have to do to hold the Senate.  What did Nate Silver really say and is Nate Silver right? Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website
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Liberal Fix: Naomi & Guest Hollye Dexter Talk Gun Violence Prevention
In this episode Naomi Minogue welcomes special guest, author and advocate for gun violence prevention, Hollye Dexter.  Hollye discusses recent developments in gun violence prevention and her work with Moms Demand Action as well as her book Dancing at the Shame Prom.   A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Naomi & John Sheirer : The Responsibility of Social Media Activism
Naomi Minogue tonight welcomes back guest host John Sheirer for a discussion on the responsibility of social media activism.  John is a professor and the author of Tales of a Real American Liberal.  Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@bluepushmedia.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Dan and Lou Colagiovanni on Privatized Prisons & Income Inequality
Tonight's episode will be hosted by Dan Bimrose and he welcomes Lou Colagiovanni for a discussion on privatized prisons and income inequality.  Mr. Colagiovanni is Editor in Chief at "We Survived Bush. You Will Survive Obama", a political and criminal journalist at examiner.com and is the owner/editor-in-chief at ruthless-politics.com. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio- Judge Strikes Down Gay Marriage Ban in Michigan
Gay marriage ban is overturned in Michigan, Fred Phelps passes away, and more on this Friday episode of Liberal Fix radio.  A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix: "NRA Senators" Blocking Obama Surgeon General Nominee?
Keith and Naomi will discuss the challenges Obama Surgeon General nominee Vivek H. Murthy faces in getting Senate confirmation, and how the NRA, with the help of cowardly Senators, is working to deny Murthy a chance to become Surgeon General.  Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Nate Silver relaunches website and stories from the fringe
On this episode Keith and Dan will discuss the relaunching of Nate Silver's 538 website, and some stories about fringe candidates trying to make their mark in this election cycle, including a Sandy Hook denier trying to win the GOP bid for Governor in Connecticut. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Focusing on 2014, Obama Changes Overtime Rules, and More
Keith, Dan and Naomi discuss 2014 elections and the importance of getting out the vote. Also, a discussion of the new overtime rules and the senate reaches a deal to extend unemployment insurance. 
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Liberal Fix with foreign policy expert Dr. Stephen Zunes on the Ukraine crisis
Our guest will be foreign policy expert Dr. Stephen Zunes. Dr. Zunes is a Professor of Politics and International Studies at the University of San Francisco, where he serves as coordinator of the program in Middle Eastern Studies. Recognized as one the country’s leading scholars of U.S. Middle East policy and of strategic nonviolent action, Professor Zunes serves as a senior policy analyst for the Foreign Policy in Focus project of the Institute for Policy Studies, an associate editor ofPeace Review, a contributing editor of Tikkun, and co-chair of the academic advisory committee for the International Center on Nonviolent Conflict. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Recaps CPAC Weekend and More...
This episode Dan and Keith recap CPAC weekend. They will also discuss new polling in the Georgia Senate race, and tomorrow's special election for a US House seat in Florida. In addition, some follow up details on Jan Brewer's veto. Namely that her staff helped draft the bill she later vetoed.  As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio with Raul Salazar, Program Manager for Quixote Village
Join us as we talk to Raul Salazar about Quixote Village. Quixote Village is a self-governing community of about 30 homeless adults, supported by Panza, a non-profit corporation built from local faith communities and friends. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix Wednesday with Georgia-01 Congressional candidate Amy Tavio (D)
Join us for an interview with Amy Tavio, who is running for Congress as a Democrat in Georgia's 1st Congressional district. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Special Coverage of the Texas Primary Elections
Join us for a primary election edition of Liberal Fix radio as Keith Brekhus and Naomi Minogue discuss the Texas March 4th primary elections in real time. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Crisis in Ukraine, GOP Sabre-Rattling and Final Countdown in TX
  Dan and Keith will discuss the crisis in Ukraine including the GOP sabre-rattling and hypocrisy associated with the crisis. They will also give a final preview for the TX March 4th primary elections. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio- Last push before TX primaries w/Maxey Scherr and More
Entering the last weekend before the Texas primaries we will be joined briefly by US Senate candidate Maxey Scherr. Keith and Naomi will also discuss Senate Republicans throwing Veterans under the bus yet again. In addition, they will talk about a Medicaid hypocrite in the Arkansas legislature and a Republican extremist in Maine whose comments on rape have once again called into question the GOP's attitude towards women. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer Naomi Minogue.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix: Jan Brewer Vetoes SB 1062 and Senators drag their feet on min wage
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Tonight we discuss Jan Brewer dealing the final blow to SB 1062. We will also discuss which Senate Democrats are dragging their feet on a minimum wage increase to 10.10 an hour. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episodes are hosted by writer/sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and will typically focus on Electoral Politics. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Jan Brewer Watch and What is Going on in Texas DEM US Senate Race?
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. This episode Keith and Naomi will discuss the anti-gay discrimination bill in Arizona and whether Jan Brewer will sign it or veto it. Also we will discuss the US Senate race in Texas in light of a new poll that has a Lyndon LaRouche supporter who wants to impeach Obama, leading the Democratic field.  As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio- w/Nevada Governor Candidate Chris Hyepock (D)
This episode features an interview with Democratic candidate Chris Hyepock who is running for Governor of Nevada.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter    
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Liberal Fix/ Keystone Pipeline Hits Snag in NE and Open Carry Bill Fails in SC
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Wednesday night's episode features liberal surprises in two red states. The Keystone Pipeline hits a major snag in Nebraska as a judge rules that the law allowing it to pass through the state on the proposed route is unconstitutional. In South Carolina, an open carry bill is struck down in a Senate committee 17-4.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: The Michael Dunn Verdict and the High Cost of the ND Oil Boom
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Monday's episode will feature a discussion of the Michael Dunn verdict as well as a discussion of the Bakken oil boom and its social costs, including out of control rents and increasing problems with crime and homelessness.  As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episodes are hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Radio w/Lorraine Chavez and Economist David Ruccio
Friday Night's episode will feature Lorraine Chavez and David Ruccio disucssing income inequality. Lorraine was the 2013 spokesperson in Chicago for Fight for 15 and she is now continuing her activism for workers rights in the food and retail industry in the greater Chicago area. David is a Professor of Economics at the University of Notre Dame. David also blogs at Occasional Links and Commentary on Economics, Culture and Society and at Real World Economics, Review Blog. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.    
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Liberal Fix w/ Cindy Noland founder of Faith Action for Women in Need (FAWN)
Wednesday's episode with feature an interview with Cindy Noland, the founder of Faith Action for Women in Need (FAWN), a decidedly liberal group of faith-based activists who support women's choices in reproductive healthcare. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix : Special Coverage of the Michael Dunn Trial w/ Guest Ladd Everitt
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Monday night's episode features special guest Ladd Everitt from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Ladd and host Keith Brekhus discuss the Michael Dunn trial and Florida's Stand Your Ground Law. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix Radio- w/Guest David Graham - House of Delegates Candidate in WV
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. This episode will feature progressive Democrat David Graham who is running for a state legislative seat in WV's 24th District in the House of Delegates. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.    
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Liberal Fix - Special Guest (ID-01) Congressional Candidate Shirley Ringo (D)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Keith Brekhus. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. This episode features an interview with Democrat Shirley Ringo who is running for Congress in Idaho's 1st Congressional District against Tea Party Republican Raul Labrador.  If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix - Monday Night w/Keith and Liberal America Editor Tiffany Willis
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday Night's episode will feature Tiffany Willis, the Editor and Founder of the Liberal America web site. Tiffany and host Keith Brekhus will discuss the latest news important to liberals and progressives.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.    
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Liberal Fix Thursday: Naomi Looks into The Republican Response to the SOTU
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Naomi Minogue. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Naomi welcomes felllow host Keith Brekhus for a discussion on the Republican response to the State of the Union frrom Cathy McMorris Rodgers. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website  Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter 
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Liberal Fix Wednesday: Keith talks 2014 Election Politics with Miles Coleman
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Keith Brekhus. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Keith discusses the 2014 Elections and the crucial role the South will play in the 2014 races. Keith will be joined by political analyst Miles Coleman. Miles is a student at LSU and a regular contributor to Dave Leip's Election Atlas. His interests include Southern politics and political geography. Keith's primary focus every Wednesday will be electoral politics unless the news of the day is impossible to ignore. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix: A Reflection on the State of the Union Address
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us every Tuesday for 30 minutes of Progressive political news.  A quick dose of the Liberal Fix that will fit your busy schedule. Tonight we will be discussing the President's State of the Union Address. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.
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Liberal Fix Monday: IN HJR-3 Update, ACA Approval Up, Canada Pipeline Explodes
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, the two will discuss an update of Anti-Equality Amendment HJR-3 in Indiana, Obamacare numbers showing more approval, expolosion on TransCanada pipeline and the Emmy and Marriage ceremony from Sunday. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.    
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Liberal Fix: State of the Union Preview and Fox News
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and the show's producer, Naomi Minogue from California.  Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. Tonight the team speculate as to the content of the State of The Union Address and comment on the growing number of Republican rebuttals.  Fox News and their misinformation campaign sometimes is too easy to talk about, but a couple incidents lately have been exceptionally bold. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.    
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Liberal Fix Thursday: Naomi Welcomes Hollye Dexter with Moms Demand Action
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Naomi Minogue. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Naomi welcomes Hollye Dexter.  Hollye Dexter is a Chapter leader for Moms Demand Action in Los Angeles, California.  She joins Naomi tonight for a discussion on background checks, the recent increase in school shootings since Sandy Hook and what is next for the push for gun sense. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Keith talks Jennifer Wexton Win in VA and Defends Wendy Davis
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Keith Brekhus. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. For this episode Keith talks Jennifer Wexton (D) winning special election in VA to complete GOP's election season collapse, he defends Wendy Davis from a Dallas Morning News' misogynistic hit piece and Obama creates task force to protect college students fromsexual assault. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix Facebook Liberal Fix Twitter
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Liberal Fix Tuesday: VA Gov. McDonnell Indicted, SCOTUS takes on Labor Case
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us every Tuesday for 30 minutes of Progressive political news.  A quick dose of the Liberal Fix that will fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana.  For this episdoe the two talk about the indictments against former Virginia Governor McDonnell and his wife, the SCOTUS takes up labor case and who the heck are the Republican's going to nominate for President in 2016? Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Dan and Keith Talk MLK Day, More Retribution in NJ, Obama on Pot
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. For this episode Keith and Dan honor MLK, talk about more retribution in New Jersey, this time against school principals in Newark, and Obama's changing stance on pot. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episode is hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist/writer Keith Brekhus from Montana, If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix Talks West Virginia Chemical Spill and More
Dan and Keith discuss the chemical spill in West Virginia, progress on marriage equality, Obama's NSA speech, and PA's voter ID law being struck down in court. 
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Liberal Fix Thursday: Naomi and Keith Discuss American Gun Culture
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Naomi Minogue. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Tonight, Naomi and Keith discuss American gun culture within the context of another week of gun violence and negligent gun owners handling their weapons carelessly. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix Wednesday: Keith talks Extending Unemployment & Preserving SNAP
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Keith Brekhus. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Keith welcomes fellow host Naomi Minogue for a discussion about the need for extending unemployment compensation, preserving SNAP, and protecting the social safety net. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix Tuesday with Indiana Dem. Dist. 6 Candidate Lane Siekman on HJR-3
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us every Tuesday for 30 minutes of Progressive political news.  A quick dose of the Liberal Fix that will fit your busy schedule. Tuesday Night's Hosts Dan Bimrose and Keith Brekhus will be welcoming Lane Siekman, a Democratic Candidate for Indiana's 6th Congressional District.  We will be discussing Lane's campaign as well as Indiana HJR-3 which if passed will be presented as a ballot issue to permanently amend Indiana's Constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix Monday : More Problems for Christie and Don't Drink the Water in WV
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. For this episode we discuss the fact that the number of people who identify as liberals is at an all-time high, more problems for Chris Christie over misuse of disaster relief funds, and Freedom Industries pollutes water in West Virginia. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episode is hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist/writer Keith Brekhus from Montana, If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix on Facebook  Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix Welcomes Rev. Mark Sandlin: We Talk the Pope and Income Inequality
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose along with his fellow hosts sociologist/writer Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix producer Naomi Minogue from California. Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.  This week the team interviews Rev. Mark Sandlin from The God Article for a discussion on the new Pope, capitalism and income inequality. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix Homepage Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Naomi Minogue Welcomes Elisabeth Parker from Addictinginfo.org
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Thursday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Naomi Minogue. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Tonight Host Naomi Minogue and fellow host Keith Brekhus welcome Elisabeth Parker, the Senior Editor at the very popular website and facebook page Addicting Info.  The discussion will revolve around what Democrats need to do to take back the House in 2014. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix Website Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Keith Brekhus: & Texas Dem US Senate candidate Michael Fjetland
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Keith Brekhus. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Tonight Keith welcomes Texas Democratic US Senate candidate Michael Fjetland. Michael is an International Attorney and a terrorism analyst. He ran against former Texas GOP Congressman Tom Delay, as an Independent in 2004 and in the Republican primary in 2006. Keith's primary focus every Wednesday will be electoral politics unless the news of the day is impossible to ignore. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix w/ Naomi & Keith: Senate Passes Extension for Unemployment Benefits
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us every Tuesday for 30 minutes of Progressive political news.  A quick dose of the Liberal Fix that will fit your busy schedule. Tonight's episode will be hosted by Producer Naomi Minogue and sociologist/writer Keith Brekhus from Montana.  They will be discussing the passage of a bill in the Senate, with the aid of six Republicans which will extend unemployment benefits for the long term unemployed for a brief time. The future of the bill is still uncertain in the Republican led House of Representatives.   As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America and we present it with a perspective that is uniquely outside of the beltway. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Liberal Fix Home Page Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix: Monday's With Dan: GOP 2014 Blank Page Agenda, King Calls Paul Liar
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Monday night's episode is hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist/writer Keith Brekhus from Montana. Tonight the two discuss, the Blank Page agenda for GOP in 2014, Republican Congressman calls Republican Senator Rand Paul a liar, the success of Colorado's new marijuana law, and a Fox Analyst openly endorses and encourages the assassination of President Obama, If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix: A Look into the Political Landscape of 2014
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose along with his fellow hosts, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and Liberal Fix Producer, Naomi Minogue from California.  Usually every week on Friday the three of them feature a special guest and tackle tough issues a little more in depth than they can with the usual 30 minute format.  For one hour you will listen to three unique perspectives that come from outside the beltway. This Friday the team discusses the political landscape of 2014 - What potential legislation will we see?  What issues will candidates be running on in the mid-term elections, and Keith will round out the show with a discussion about what the make-up of the Senate and House might look like in December, 2014. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference. Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter    
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Liberal Fix: Thursday's with Naomi: Judge Says No to Florida's Drug Testing Law
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Naomi Minogue. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Naomi brings on Sociologist/Writer and fellow Liberal Fix host, Keith Brekhus to discuss Judge Mary S. Scriven's ruling that Rick Scott's Florida drug testing law is unconstitutional. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix on Facebook Liberal Fix on Twitter 
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Liberal Fix:12/30/13 Dan & Keith Talk Ted Cruz, Obamacare Sign-Ups, and Benghazi
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Tonight Dan and Keith talk about Ted Cruz, the NY TImes Benghazi article and the rush of sign-ups for Obamacare in December. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episode is hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist/writer Keith Brekhus from Montana, If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Liberal Fix on Facebook  Liberal Fix on Twitter
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Liberal Fix : 2013 : The Year in Review
Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted sociologist/writer Keith Brekhus from Montana and our our show's producer Naomi Minogue from California.  Usually very week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway, but this week the three look back at the growth of Liberal Fix in 2013, which involves the addition of a couple people to the team, changes in the functionality of our website and going to a 5 night a week spread.  We will also recall some of our fantastic guests and look into the future of 2014.  A very important election year. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.   Liberal Fix on Facebook  Liberal Fix on Twitter Submit and publish your own articles on the Liberal Fix website.    
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Liberal Fix : Thursday's with Naomi Minogue: GOP Blocks Mental Health Bill
Liberal Fix Host Naomi Minogue brings on Keith Brekhus to discuss the mental health bill proposed by Senator Al Franken which is currently being blocked by Republican's Tom Coburn and Mike Lee. The Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Act which does have 13 GOP co-sponsors in the Senate. Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Thursday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Naomi Minogue. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix : Monday Night Update
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Monday night's episode is hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and sociologist/writer Keith Brekhus from Montana, If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Drinking Liberally Founder Justin Krebs
The finest in Progressive Radio on the internet.   This week's show features special guest Justin Krebs.  Justin Krebs is the national director of Living Liberally and creative director of Laughing Liberally. He is a political organizer in New York City, and a founder and Artistic Director of The Tank, a non-profit venue for performance and public affairs. Past projects include managing a parks advocacy campaign and serving as Intern Coordinator for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Justin is a New Jersey native and graduate of Harvard University. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix - Thursday Night with Naomi Minogue
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Naomi Minogue. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix - Keith Brekhus Interviews TX US Senate Candidate Maxey Scherr
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Keith Brekhus. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Keith's primary focus every Wednesday will be electoral politics unless the news of the day is impossible to ignore. This episode features Democratic US Senate Maxey Scherr, who is running to unseat Republican Senator John Cornyn in 2014. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix - Tuesday Night Progressive News & Politics
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us every Tuesday for 30 minutes of Progressive political news.  A quick dose of the Liberal Fix that will fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.
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Liberal Fix - Monday Night Progressive News & Politics
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.    
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Liberal Fix Remembering Sandy Hook on the Eve of the 1rst Anniversary (Ep 103)
Liberal Fix seeks not to relive or revisit the tragedy that occurred nearly one year ago at Sandy Hook Elementary, but rather pay tribute once again to those who have been lost, but also visit a much different Newtown, Connecticut that is still healing, but growing stronger every day in part through the help of activists like the very inspirational Sarah Clements.  During this very memorable episode we feature a special preorecorded inverview with Sarah Clements. Sarah Clements is a senior at Newtown High School. Her mother is a teacher at Sandy Hook Elementary School and a survivor of the shooting in December. Sarah uses change and activism to transform her painful experiences into positive action. She founded and leads the Jr. Newtown Action Alliance, the student branch of the Newtown Action Alliance, a grassroots organization that formed after 12/14 looking to address the issue of gun violence in America through legislative and cultural change. She looks forward to continuing her work in gun violence prevention by working with young people around the country, in urban and suburban areas, to help solve this problem which affects her generation so disproportionately. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue.  Every Friday the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a pespective that comes from outside the beltway.
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Liberal Fix : 12/12/13 : Thursday Night with Naomi Minogue
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Naomi Minogue. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix - 12/11/13 : Wednesday with Keith Brekhus
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Keith Brekhus. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Keith's primary focus every Wednesday will be electoral politics unless the news of the day is impossible to ignore. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix - Tuesday Night Progressive News & Politics
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us every Tuesday for 30 minutes of Progressive political news.  A quick dose of the Liberal Fix that will fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.
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Liberal Fix - Monday Night Progressive News & Politics
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Tonight's agenda included 1) New coloring book featuring Ted Cruz, Unarmed University of Incarnate Word Student shot by University cop, Red states refuse medicaid expansion, Ralph Nader writes letter to Dollar General and other Dollar stores requesting them to pay a living wage. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.    
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Liberal Fix w/ Michigan Democratic State Rep David Knezek (Ep 98)
This Friday's we feature a pre-recorded interview with Democratic State Rep David Knezek.  We were fortunate to have a look inside politics in the state of Michigan. David Knezek is the State Rep for Michigan's 11th District and is a decorated Marine Corps veteran who served two tours of duty in Iraq before attending the University of Michigan-Dearborn.  While a student, Rep. Knezek launched a successful campaign becoming the youngest member of the 2013-14 House Democratic Caucus at age 26. He serves the communities of Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Inkster, Livonia and Westland. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, and producer Naomi Minogue from California every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix - Thursday Night with Naomi Minogue
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Naomi Minogue. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix - Wednesday with Keith Brekhus
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our Wednesday night 30 minute progressive politics news update with Host Keith Brekhus. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Tonight's agenda includes 1) GOP controlled house passes extension of "plastic gun " ban  2) Gay marriage...16 states have passed it. Who's next? 3) 2014 key Senate races: Will the Democrats hold the US Senate or will the GOP take control? Keith's primary focus every Wednesday will be electoral politics unless the news of the day is impossible to ignore. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix 12/03/13 Fasting For Families, Will Hillary Run? Is Jesus Weeping?
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us every Tuesday for 30 minutes of Progressive political news.  A quick dose of the Liberal Fix that will fit your busy schedule. Tonight's agenda includes 1) Tea Party activist claims that Pope makes Jesus weep 2) Fasting For Families and 3) Will Hillary Clinton Run in 2016? As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.
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Liberal Fix - Monday Night Progressive News & Politics
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Tonight's Topics Included:  1) Fox News says Sharia Law is taking over and they have proof  2) Rush vs The Pope  3) Texas cops place 13 year old in protective services for being with a black guardian 4) Healthcare.gov is working mostly. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Matt Wall from PCCC & boldprogressives.org (Ep 93)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join the Liberal Fix team as they welcome Matt Wall, Press Secretary for the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, home of boldprogressives.org. What ensues is a lively informative conversation on what their organization is duing to push progressive values, make them viable issues for Democratic candidates and how they are able to virtually help anyone who wants to get involved in the system and feel empowered to make a change. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via naomi@liberalfixradio.com
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Liberal Fix - Tuesday Night 11/26/13 Progressive News & Politics
Topics included: Creigh Deeds Makes Statement, Governor's Scott Walker's agenda is horrible for the citizens, Healthcare.gov starting to function, Alison Grimes going after Mitch McConnell concerning fair pay for women.   Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us every Tuesday for 30 minutes of Progressive political news.  A quick dose of the Liberal Fix that will fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.
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Liberal Fix - Monday Night 11/25/13 Progressive News & Views
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our 30 minute progressive politics news update. A daily dose of politics and the Liberal Fix to fit your busy schedule. Topics include: 1) Filibuster Nuclear Option 2) Democrat Mark Herring declared winner in Virginia Attorney General Race 3) Deal with Iran 4) Majority of Americans now don't trust Obama. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.    
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Liberal Fix w/ House Candidate Amardeep Kaleka (Ep 90)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join the Liberal Fix team as they welcome Democratic Congressional candidate from Wisconsin's 1rst District, Armadeep Kaleka.  Mr. Kaleka hopes to challenge Representative Paul Ryan for his seat in Congress.  Amardeep Kaleka is a former teacher, an Emmy Award winning filmmaker, and community organizer.  After the death of his father, who died protecting members from an attack from a gunman at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin, of which he was the President, Amardeep Kaleka became involved in gun legislation and anti-violence campaigns.  As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via naomi@liberalfixradio.com
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Liberal Fix - Tuesday 11/19/13 30 Minute Daily News Update
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Tonight's Topics: 1) 911 call from George Zimmerman's girlfriend.  2) The Creigh and Gus Deeds tragedy and the tragedy of our current mental health system.  3) ACA enrollment surging in states running their own exchange  4) The 150th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. Join us for our new 30 minute format every Monday and Tuesday in which we cover the news that occurred over the weekend and for that day.  A quick update that just might fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.
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Liberal Fix - Monday 11/18/13 30 Minute Daily News Update
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our new 30 minute format every Monday and Tuesday in which we cover the news that occurred over the weekend and for that day.  A quick update that just might fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Author Claire Conner (Ep 87)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join the Liberal Fix team as they welcome back their special guest Claire Conner,  author of "Wrapped In The Flag." Claire Conner shares with us her story of growing up in a household dominated by The John Birch Society, an anti-Communist, anti-federal government movement.  In "Wrapped In The Flag," Claire introduces us to the extreme ideas of a powerful political fringe group dispensing radical solutions to America's problems. Claire Conner holds a degree in English with honors from the University of Dallas and a graduate degree from the University of Wisconsin. She lives in Dunedin, FL. She speaks widely on the John BIrch Society and the impact of the radical right. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via naomi@liberalfixradio.com
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Liberal Fix - Tuesday's 30 Minute Daily News Update
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our new 30 minute format every Monday and Tuesday in which we cover the news that occurred over the weekend and for that day.  A quick update that just might fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.  
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Liberal Fix - Monday's 30 Minute Daily News Update
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join us for our new 30 minute format every Monday and Tuesday in which we cover the news that occurred over the weekend and for that day.  A quick update that just might fit your busy schedule. As always, we offer news, commentary and analysis important to progressives and liberals across America. This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue at naomi@liberalfixradio.com.  
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Liberal Fix w/ GST Lou Colagiovanni - A Look to 2014 (Ep 84)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join the Liberal Fix team and their special guest Lou Colagiovanni as they recap the election week results and more importantly discuss that we are now less than a year from election night 2014.  What do Democrats have to do going forward?  What is winning electoral politics for Dems in red states and red districts. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Mi
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Liberal Fix - It's Election Night
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join Dan and Keith as they discuss the not so early results of election night, 2013.  They will be discussing the Virginia and New Jersey Governor's races as well as the New York City Mayoral race. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix - Night Before the Election
Excellence in Progressive Radio. Join Dan and Keith as they discuss recent polling and what to expect on election night, 2013.  They will be discussing the Virginia and New Jersey Governor's races as well as the New York City Mayoral race. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Talks Justice for Daisy w Courtney Cole (Ep 81)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Courtney Cole.  Courtney is the Executive Director of Greater Kansas City Women's Political Caucus, and the Executive Director for the MO Senate Democratic Campaign Committee.  She also very recently founded a movement named "Justice for Daisy."  The story involves the then 14 year old Daisy Coleman whose alleged rape in 2012 in Maryville, Missouri was ignored by the legal system. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Texas Democrat MIchael Cole (Ep 80)
Excellence in Progressive radio.  The Liberal FIx team welcomes Democrat Michael Cole, the gentleman who will be challenging Representative Steve Stockman in Texas 36th Congressional district.  Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue.   Every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio w/ PoliticusUSA's Sarah Jones (Ep 79)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Sarah Jones, current managing editor of PoliticusUSA.com.  Since joining PoliticusUSA in 2009 she has been quoted by the Atlantic Wire,  The Week, The Richard Dawkins Foundation and more.  Along with her lifelong interest in feminism and social justice, Sarah has a background in TV and film and has produced award winning documentaries.  She graduated Magna Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a major in psychology and latin. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix w GST Shannon Watts w Moms Demand Action (Ep 78
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcome Shannon Watts the founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America.  We discuss what they have accomplished and what is ahead in the future.   Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix : Smack Down on the Shutdown (Ep 77)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team are joined by The Opinionated Democrat Sarah Wood for an hour long discussion of the Republican Shutdown.   Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.  
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Liberal Fix : Liz Accles of Community Food Advocates (Ep 76)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Liz Accles, Executive Director for Community Food Advocates in New York City.  The discussion focuses on the problem with school aged children going hungry in NYC and the pursuit of a universal school meal program.   Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.  
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Liberal Fix w/ Rest. Owner Brian Parker (Ep 75)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Brian Parker.  Mr. Parker is the co-owner of Moo Cluck Moo, a specialty hamburger restaurant in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.  They currently are paying their employees 12$/ hr and will soon be raising their pay to 15$/hr.  We wanted to find out why they are able to pay wages that other companies say they just can't afford to pay.     Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.  
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Liberal Fix Talks Minimum Wage and Fight for 15 (EP 74)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomed back Lorraine Chavez, spokesperson for Fight for 15.  This time Lorraine introduced us to worker Krystal Maxi-Collins who shared her story and involvement in the movement.   Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.  
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Liberal Fix GST Trish Whitcomb & Electoral Politics (Ep 73)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Trish Whitcomb.  Trish is the Senior Advisor to the Indiana Superintendent of Public Instruction, Glenda Ritz.  In 2012 she led Glenda Ritz's campaign to a stunning electoral upset.  We wanted to know how she did it.    Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway.   If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com.   Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix W GST Sociologist Salvatore Balbones (Ep 72)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Salvatore Babones.  Mr. Babones is a senior lecturer in sociology and social policy at the University of Sydney and an associate fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). He holds both a master's degree in statistics and a Ph.D. in sociology from the Johns Hopkins University. Before moving to Australia in 2008, he worked in financial risk management and taught sociology and statistics at several universities in the United States. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and c
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Liberal Fix talks Politics with Guest Courtney Cole (Ep 71)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Courtney Cole.  Courtney is the Executive Director of Greater Kansas City Women's Political Caucus, and the Executive Director for the MO Senate Democratic Campaign Committee As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix w/ GST Lorraine Chavez of Fight for 15 (Ep 70)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Lorraine Chavez.  Ms. Chavez is a campaign spokesperson for Fight for 15.  A campaign created by the Workers Organizing Committee of Chicago, which is an organization composed of retail and fast food workers demanding a fair wage of 15$ per hour and the right to organize a union without fear of retaliation. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix w/ California ASW Sharon Quirk-Silva (Ep 69)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes California Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva.  ASW Quirk-Silva talks about how things are working in the Democrat run state.  The former mayor of Fullerton is now representing California's 65th district.  As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix w/ Larry Hicks on Covered California (Ep 68)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Larry Hicks, information officer for Covered California.  Covered California is that state's Health Insurance marketplace exchange that they created to fulfill the requirements of the ACA.  Larry fills us in on where they are at with implementation and what opportunities will be available for California consumers. Also joining us for a roundtable discussion of the Affordable Care Act will be Sarah Wood, the Opinionated Democrat. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix : w/ Guest Rev. Mark Sandlin (Ep 67)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes back North Carolina Rev. Mark Sandlin.  Rev. Sandlin, a Huffington Post contributor and founder of the God Article will join us to discuss North Carolina politics and Moral Monday, an effort of a broad range of activist groups to draw attention to and protest the efforts of conservative legislators and the laws they are passing and proposing.  Every Monday they gather in Raleigh and hundreds have been arrested.  The movement has a decidedly Christian Left influence, which confounds many right wingers, as they stand up for the rights of women, regressive tax laws, minorities, and the LGBT community in the name of compassion and non-judgement. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix: Zimmerman Verdict w/ GST Ladd Everitt (Ep. 66)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes back the Communications Director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.  Ladd will join us as we discuss the George Zimmerman verdict and will be commenting on Florida's "Stand your Ground" laws among other things. Was race involved?  Are we really in a post racial society?  Those are two questions the team will discuss and ponder. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix w/ Professor Elise Boddie (Ep 65)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Professor Elise Boddie for a discussion on the Supreme Court and their decision concerning the Voting Rights Act.  Professor Boddie is the former litigation director at the NAACP legal defense fund.  She holds a masters degree from the John F. Kennedy School of Government and will teach constitutional law at Rutgers Law School in Newark, NJ in the fall.  She has made several guest appearances on television and radio programs regarding LDF's work, including CNBC, Tavis Smiley and CourtTV.  Elise has authored a number of amicus briefs in the US Supreme Court and federal courts of appeal. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix w/ AIC Comm. Dir. Wendy Feliz (Ep 64)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes Wendy Feliz from the American Immigration Council.  an education, law and policy group in Washington D.C. She manages a highly-effective communications team working to drive a rational conversation about immigration in America, with the goal of advancing comprehensive immigration reform. As always, we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser, sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana and our producer Naomi Minogue from California, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact Naomi Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix - SCOTUS, POTUS and Wendy Davis (Ep 63)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team reviews an absolutely huge week in politics.  Join us as we discuss the SCOTUS rulings on DOMA and the Voting Rights Act, the newest progressive hero Wendy Davis and her valiant filibuster of SB5, and amidst all of this the President makes a speech and moves on climate change. And as always we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix w/ Columnist Sarah Jones (Ep 62)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes columnist and managing editor of PoliticusUSA.com, Sarah Jones.  And as always we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix w/ Author Claire Conner (Ep 61)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team welcomes author of "Wrapped in the Flag", Claire Conner.  Claire's father was a national spokesman for the John Birch Society for more than 30 years.  Forced to sign the John Birch memberships book at 13, Claire will provide an inside look into one of the right wing's most infamous organizations. Before the Tea Party there was the John Birch Society.  Join us as we examine the motivations and thinking of Right Wing America. And as always we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix w/ Author Chris Mooney (Ep 60)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team features a pre-recorded interview with NYT Bestselling author, Chris Mooney.  Chris Mooney is a contributing writer at Mother Jones and hosts Climate Desk Live. He also co-hosts the podcast "Point of Inquiry," and has written four books, including “The Republican War on Science”. Join us as we have a great discussion concerning why Republican’s oppose science and critical thinking skills.  How are they perpetrating this war on reason, are they winning and what are Democrats doing to fight back? And as always we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix - The Michele Bachmann "Tribute" Show (Ep 59)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team discusses the news that RWNJ and conservative darling, Michele Bachmann will not seek re-election.  What does that mean for the 6th Congressional District of Minnesota and the Democratic Candidate Jim Graves. And as always we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com.
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Amanda Marcotte (Ep 58)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team interviews writer Amanda Marcotte.  Amanda is best known for her writings on feminism and politics. She graduated from St. John's University in Austin, Texas with a degree in English Literature.  She is the author of, "It's a Jungle Out There: The Feminist Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments." and "Get Opinionated."  Amanda was hired as the blogmaster for the John Edwards 2008 presidential campaign and is a frequent contributor for Slate Magazine, Salon.com and RH Reality Check. Join us as we have a great discussion concerning the state of the women's movement in the U.S.A. And as always we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Frank Schaeffer (Ep 57)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team interviews author, Frank Schaeffer.  Frank Schaeffer is the author of the New York Times bestseller Keeping Faith and, most recently, the books Crazy for God, Patience with God, and Sex, Mom, and God. He has appeared on NPR, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News and is a prolific blogger for the Huffington Post. Join us as we have a great discussion concerning the influence of the religious right and talk about what can be done about their heavy handed tactics and excursions into the realm of the political. And as always we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Mark Potok (Ep 56)
Excellence in Progressive Radio. The Liberal Fix team interviews Mark Potok from the Southern Poverty Law Center. Join us as we have a great discussion concerning the development of hate groups within the U.S. and what can be done to combat the proliferation of hate crimes. And as always we offer a recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis.  This is a must-add to your can't-miss directory of Progressive Podcasts or Liberal Podcasts. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix w/ ND Rep Gail Mooney & Tammi Kromenaker (Ep 55)
The Liberal Fix team interviews North Dakota State Rep., Gail Mooney and Tammi Kromenaker, Director of the North Dakota Red River Women’s Clinic. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Caroline Heldman (Ep 54)
The Liberal Fix team interviews the chair of the politics department at Occidental College, Caroline Heldman.  She co-edited the popular book, Rethinking Madame President: Is the US Ready for a Woman in the White House? and maintains a blog titled Political Musings from a "Totalitarian Liberal". In news related to the prior week they will discuss"ricin letter suspect" Paul Keving Curtis' release from jail, Max Baucus to retire and the Koch Brothers seek to buy major newspapers. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix - Boston Bombing and Ricin Letters (Ep 53)
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. For this episode the Liberal Fix team discusses the Boston Marathon bombing, the texas fertilizer plant explosion, letters laced with ricin and the failure of universal background checks in the Senate. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Author John Sheirer (Ep 52)
The Liberal Fix team interviews John Sheirer, author of Tales of a Real American Liberal.  John and the crew will be discussing how liberals and conservatives can learn to play together.  John will also stick around to discuss the major news item, the progress of gun control reform.   A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Randy Parraz (Ep 51)
The Liberal Fix team interviews activist Randy Parraz from Citizens for a Better Arizona.  They discuss current efforts to recall Sheriff Joe Arpaio by Respect Arizona. The Liberal Fix team will also be discussing U.S. oil spills resulting from faulty pipelines, Colbert Busch v. Sanford in South Carolina and President Obama returns part of his paycheck. The feature story this week, immediately following the Randy Parraz interview, will be a discussion of the recent rush to support marriage equality on the Hill. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix w/ Guest Ladd Everitt (Ep 50)
The Liberal Fix team interviews Ladd Everitt from the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.  Since 2006 Mr. Everitt has served as their communications director and is a frequent contributor to MSNBC.  They will be discussing the 2nd Amendment and the current push for gun regulations. The Liberal Fix team will also be discussing Julia Pierson, the first female director of the Secret Service, Detroit's Emergency Manager, North Dakota Governor signs anti-choice bills, and Michelle Bachmann and her ethics probe. The feature story this week, immediately following the Ladd Everitt interview, will be a discussion over the Supreme Court hearings on same-sex marriage. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio : House and Senate Budget Proposals EP 49
The Liberal Fix team discusses the Ryan Budget, Patty Murray Senate Budget and the Progressive Caucus Budget. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio w/ Rev. Mark Sandlin
The Liberal Fix team interviews Mark Sandlin, pastor at Vandalia Presbyterian Church in Greensboro, NC.  Mark is also a writer and the co-founder of the Christian Left.   The LFR team and Mark will discuss the mix of politics and religion in the U.S as well as the "Spiritual but not Religious" phenomenon that the country is currently experiencing. They will also be discussing a Senate committee's passing of an assault weapons ban, Scott Prouty who brought us the 47% video and the CPAC conference. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio w/ TV Host John Fugelsang (Ep. 47)
The Liberal Fix team interviews actor, comedian, TV host,  John Fugelsang.   In addition to discussing his rather busy schedule, The LFR team and the host of Current TV's Viewpoint  will be discussing the state of politics in the U.S. and the state of the Progressive movement. Also on this show will be our feature news item.  Indiana blogger Daniel Brewington is currently serving time in prison for what he wrote on his blog.  Groups on the right and groups on the left are asking the Indiana Supreme Court to review his case. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio w/ Professor Stephen Zunes (EP. 46)
The Liberal Fix team interviews Professor Stephen Zunes,  Stephen Zunes, professor of Politics and International Studies at the University of San Francisco Professor Zunes and the Liberal Fix team will be discussing the confirmation of Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense plus the many international challenges we face. Before the interview the topics for discussion are the Obama press conference concerning no deal being reached on the sequester, Keith Ellison on Hannity.  VAWA finally passes the House, Robin Kelly wins Democratic Primary in her efforts to win Jesse Jackson Jr's seat, and the confirmation of Chuck Hagel and Jack Lew. The feature story this week will be a discussion over the Supreme Court hearing on the Voting Rights Act. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio w/ Publisher Emine Dilek (Ep. 45)
The Liberal Fix team interviews Emine Dilek,  founder and publisher of ProgressivePress.net.  Joining Emine is Progressive Press journalist Bill Urich. They will be discussing what motivated Sarah to start writing about politics as well as the international flavor of Progressive Press. Emine and Bill stick around until the end to discuss where we are at with the sequestration, what our options are and the devestating effects on our economy if the cuts are implemented. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio w/ Writer Sarah Wood Ep. 44
The Liberal Fix team interviews Sarah Wood,  founder of the political blog Free Wood Post and the very popular facebook page, the Opinionated Democrat.  They will be discussing what motivated Sarah to start writing about politics; her feelings about President Obama and the direction our country is moving in as well as her reaction to the success her blog and facebook page has enjoyed. Sarah stays until the end to discuss the State of the Union Address and Marco Rubio's "Water-gate" performance. ....oh, and at some point Crystal talks about nipples and duct tape. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio w/ Blogger/Activist Erin Nanasi - Ep. 43
The Liberal Fix team interviews founder of the political blog Poking at Snakes, Erin Nanasi.    The four discuss how and why she got her start, the We are Woman movement, and The Bachmann Diaries. Erin sticks around to discuss the Republican Senators who voted against sending VAWA to the floor,  the Postal Service ending Saturday delivery and the death of sniper Chris Kyle. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.  
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Liberal Fix Radio w/ California Politician Jay Chen - Ep. 42
The Liberal Fix team interviews Jay Chen, the Democratic candidate who ran against Ed Royce in California's 39th district.    They discuss not only his race, but also the passage of California's Prop 30, immigration reform and Jay lets us know what he thinks it is going to take for Dems to take back control of Congress. Other topics of interest include: 1) the Friday release of the Jobs numbers  2) Anniversary of the Greensboro Four 3) John Kerry officially the new Secretary of State  4) Deval Patrick appoints Mo Cowan to replace John Kerry 5) Senators Tom Harkin and Saxby Chambliss will not seek re-election. 6) the death of New York Mayor Ed Koch. A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio - w/ Black Panther Bobby Seale - Ep. 41
A recap of the week in Progressive or Liberal Politics. News, Commentary and Analysis. Hosted by Indiana writer Dan Bimrose and co-hosted by Iowa activist Crystal Kayser and sociologist Keith Brekhus from Montana, every week the three of them feature a special guest and tackle those tough issues with a perspective that comes from outside the beltway. In this episode the Liberal Fix team features a very educational and entertaining interview with the co-founder of the Black Panther Party, Bobby Seale. Other topics of interest include: 1) Mary Jo White nominate to head SEC 2) Denis McDonough appointed to Chief of Staff 3) Hillary Clinton's testimony on Benghazi 4) Military leaders lift ban on women serving in combat 5) No Budget, No Pay. If you are interested in being a guest and for any other inquiries or comments concerning the show please contact our producer Naomi De Luna Minogue via email: naomi@liberalfixradio.com. Join the Liberal Fix community, a like-minded group of individuals dedicated to promoting progressive ideals and progressive activists making a difference.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is a founding member of Midwest Progressive Outreach Institute and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal is an activist from Iowa where she is a leader in the local and state Democratic Party.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is a founding member of Midwest Progressive Outreach Institute and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal is an activist from Iowa where she is a leader in the local and state Democratic Party.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is a founding member of Midwest Progressive Outreach Institute and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal is an activist from Iowa where she is a leader in the local and state Democratic Party.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is a founding member of Midwest Progressive Outreach Institute and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal is an activist from Iowa where she is a leader in the local and state Democratic Party.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. This week Dan and Crystal welcome sociologist Keith Brekhus to talk about the tragedy at Sandy Hook School in Newtown, Connecticut.  They also discuss Boehner's failure with Plan B, the passing away of Daniel Inouye, Obama's high approval rating, and Senator Kerry gets the nod for the Secretary of State position. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is a founding member of Midwest Progressive Outreach Institute and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal is an activist from Iowa where she is a leader in the local and state Democratic Party.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is a founding member of Midwest Progressive Outreach Institute and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal is an activist from Iowa where she is a leader in the local and state Democratic Party.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is a founding member of Midwest Progressive Outreach Institute and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal is an activist from Iowa where she is a leader in the local and state Democratic Party.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it. 
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it. 
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. On this weeks episode Dan and Crystal offer their post-election coverage. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it. 
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it. 
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it. 
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. (***NOTE**** This weeks episode will not air live until Tuesday due to the final Presidential debate on Monday.  Sometimes it takes a little while to sift through all of Mitt's B.S.) The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it. 
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it. 
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it. 
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it. 
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it. 
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Monday at 10pm est.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. On this weeks episode Dan and Crystal recap the Democratic National Convention with several clips from the convention speakers including Lily Ledbetter, Julian Castro, Michelle Obama, Jennifer Granholm, President Bill Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama.  The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Monday at 10pm est.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Monday at 10pm est.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. In this show Dan and Crystal pay tribute to Neal Armstrong and talk about Mitt Romney's embrace of the birther movement and the impact it may have on the convention.  They also talk about the fiery debate between Chris Matthews and Reince Priebus on Morning Joe.  The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Monday at 10pm est.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. During this show Dan and Crystal discuss the Obama campaign request for 5 years of tax returns from the Romney campaign, The 716 billion dollar spin from Republicans concerning medicare savings,  Paul Ryan arguing brilliantly for Keynesian economics and finally Missouri Republican Todd Akins comments concerning "legitimate rape." They also issue a challenge to listeners to help Republican spin masters come up with a lie involving the number 716 billion dollars. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Monday at 10pm est.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. In this episode Dan and Crystal talk about David Barton's publisher pulling his book "Jefferson Lies" off the shelves because it was filled with lies.  They also discuss the controversial Priorities USA ad and the response which created a firestorm from Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul, the Farm Bill being promoted by President Obama and Romney picking Paul Ryan for his Vice-Presidential candidate.  The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
Listen: podcast - audio/mpeg

Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Monday at 10pm est.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. In this week's episode Dan and Crystal aired a chronology of clips that started with Harry Reid accusing Mitt Romney of not paying taxes for ten years.  They also discussed what we should think of the outpouring of support for Chick-fil-A, Michele Bachmann raising 1 million dollars in July, and the new jobs numbers and what they mean.  The last segment was a discussion about why Obama is still performing well in the polls despite the state of the economy. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Monday at 10 pm est.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. This week's show features an interview with author Timothy Sheard creator of the "Lenny Moss" mystery series.  This week's Tea Party "Freak of the Week" segment features a battle between Louie Gohmert and Mike Huckabee.  Other topics include, Chick-fil-A, Mitt Romney's overseas gaffes, Jon Kyl's indignation over President Obama always talking about the middle class, the ice melt in Greenland, and the Texas Board of Education overwhelmingly coming down on the side of evolution. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. This weeks episode features our regular "Tea Party Freak of the Week" feature.  The contestants are Minnesota State Rep. Mary Franson and the organization The Public Advocate.  Dan and Crystal also talk about John McCain referring to Sarah Palin as the better candidate, Rush Limbaugh's "Dark Knight Rises" conspiracy theory, Anne Romney's "you people" comment,  Michele Bachmann's baseless attack on Huma Abedin and the fight for Illinois' Sensata workers to keep their jobs. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. Tonight's episode features an interview with Indiana Green Party Candidate Andrew Straw.  Dan, Crystal and Andrew discuss Indiana's prohibitive rules for third party candidates.  In the news, Dan and Crystal discuss the jobs report, Obama's 9 pt lead in Ohio, Congressman Joe Walsh attacking his opponents Military service, and the signing of the transportation and student loan bill. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight EST and 9 on the West Coast.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. Tonight's episode will include an interview with the founder and administrator of the Facebook fan page "Hot Liberals,"  Jeanette Roman. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. In addition to their weekly Tea Party "freak of the week" contest Dan will discuss his trip to Providence, RI and the Netroots Nation conference.  He will also announce the release of his latest book, "You CAN Go to Church on Sunday AND Vote For Barack Obama on Tuesday." The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio- Progressive Politics with Dan and Crystal
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recap all the political news from the previous week providing news and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   Dan is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media and is a Huffington Post contributor.  Crystal hails from Iowa where she is quite busy working for the Obama 2012 campaign and chairs her local Democrat party organization.  Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and are not afraid to tell you about it.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight.  Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser recaps all the political news from the previous week.  News and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. In this episode Dan and Crystal discuss the Federal Judge blocking the NDAA indefinite detention measure, a very heated battle for our very first Tea Party "Freak of the Week", War on Women legislation in KS and MO, the J. Joe Ricketts - Jeremiah Wright - Mitt Romney 3 way, the "fired up and ready to go" Joe Biden and Nick Hanauer's speech at the TED conference which TED was not so fond of. The show is broadcast from the heartland and is based in Southeastern Indiana and the banks of the Ohio river.   While Crystal hails from Iowa, Dan and Crystal are two corn belt Liberals who want everyone to know that there is such a thing and they are not afraid to show it.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Host Dan Bimrose and Crystal Kayser
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight.  Host Dan Bimrose recaps all the political news from the previous week.  News and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. For this special episode Dan welcomes guest co-host Crystal Kayser to the show. Dan covers all the important news including the passing of Amendment 1 in North Carolina, Dick Lugar losing his primary seat to Richard Mourdock, and President Obama affirming gay marriage. Dan Bimrose is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media, the blog LiberalFix.com and is a Huffington Post contributor.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Host Dan Bimrose
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight.  Host Dan Bimrose recaps all the political news from the previous week.  News and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. This episode will feature special guest Rachael Belz of Ohio Citizen Action.  Dan and Rachael will discuss OCA's successful efforts to provide Cincinnati citizens with a clean energy alternative to Duke Energy. Dan closes the show with a special commentary about Wisconsin Republican Rep. Paul Ryan. In the news Dan covers the White House correspondents dinner, the suicide of LGBT teen Jack Reese, the racist comments of tea party Congressman Joe Walsh, the new Obama campaign slogan forward, President Obama's surprise trip to Afghanistan, and the resignation of gay Romney advisor Richard Grenell. Dan Bimrose is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media, the blog LiberalFix.com and is a Huffington Post contributor
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Liberal Fix Radio with Host Dan Bimrose
Listen to Liberal Fix Radio every Friday at midnight.  Host Dan Bimrose recaps all the political news from the previous week.  News and analysis important to Liberal and Progressive Democrats. This week Dan discusses the Violence Against Women Act, the Paul Ryan Budget and the Reponse from Catholics,  the Postal Service Bill, the failure of two Blue Dog democrats to win their primary in Pennsylvania and the President hitting the campaign trail.  All this and more. Dan Bimrose is the founder of Bimrose Progressive Media, the blog LiberalFix.com and is a Huffington Post contributor.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Host Dan Bimrose
Join Dan as he discusses the news related to Democratic politics and the progressive movement that occurred last week.  Topics include Michele Bachmann on "tar babies", the tactical retreat of ALEC, a little bit on Susan B. Anthony, believe it or not, and  smiling Eric Cantor on taxing the poor.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Host Dan Bimrose
Join Dan as he discusses the news related to politics and the progressive movement that occurred last week.  Topics include the arrest of George Zimmerman, the Hilary Rosen comments, the Fox Mole we now know as Joe Muto, and of course the end of Rick Santorum's campaign. Dan will also discuss his latest contribution to the Huffington Post last week titled, "What Sense of Entitlement?"
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Host Dan Bimrose Talks With Green Candidate Andrew Straw
Liberal Fix Radio Host Dan Bimrose recaps last week's newsworthy events in the world of politics.  He will also be speaking with Attorney and Indiana Green Party Candidate for Congress (District 2) Andrew Straw. They will discuss the prohibitive rules concerning third party candidates in Indiana.  Dan will also find out what additional obstacles third party candidates face and what potential solutions exist to improve the viability a third party candidate.  If time permits we will briefly summarize the platform and future of the Green Party.
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Liberal Fix Radio with Host Dan Bimrose - Pro-ObamaCare Rant
This week the Supreme Court heard arguments concerning the constitutionality of the individual mandate.  Although we will not know until June what the Court's final decision, Dan Bimrose discusses the merits of the Health Care Reform Act and the individual mandate. He will also delve into the impact of any decision on the November 6th election and also discuss the possible impacts of the individual mandate being thrown out on the future of America's health care. Finally Dan will offer a prediction as to the decision of the SCOTUS.
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