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A hilarious podcast that looks at the world through the eyes of its two simple hosts - Daniel James and Scot Gall

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Podcast Episode's:
Simpleton 82 - Bohemia
Scot and Daniel take more talkback called, and Scot introduces the first of a six part series, the Euroa Chronicles. Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to support our content. 
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Simpleton 81 - Who Was That Person?
Scot and Daniel take more talkback callers, Claufus reviews his favourite game and Scot asks, who was that person? Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to support our content. 
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Simpleton 80 - The Horrendous Spectacle
Among other things, Scot and Daniel take some talkback callers for the first time and  make an offer that the next Patreon subscriber won't be able to refuse.  Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out more. 
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Simpleton 79 - Hedgehog or Wolf?
Scot and Daniel have to find innovative new ways to raise funds to keep the podcast afloat, despite the worst efforts of the Simpleton Podcast Editorial Team. Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out more. 
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Simpleton 78 - Kealba
The Simpleton Podcast editorial team send Greg and Mike to Sentinel Island for no apparent reason and Daniel gives a shout out to the Kealba Cackholes. Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out more. 
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Simpleton 77 - How Many Can You Jag?
Scot once again ditches the Sports Report again and replaces it with another instalment of 'Scot's Handy and Innovative Tips.' Daniel asks Scot what level of maths did Scot complete at high school, the answer might surprise you. Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out more. 
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Simpleton 76 - Badger Baiting
Daniel and Scot discuss the exciting news that the Kirkland Avenue Toilet Block will soon be listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Scot also reports on the quaint sport of Badger baiting forcing Daniel and Scot into rear guard legal action.  Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out more. 
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Simpleton 75 - The Friendship Bridge
The boys are back after a short five month hiatus. Scot tries to introduce some new segments that don't work. Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out more. 
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Simpleton 74 - Bender Over
Daniel returns to the Simpleton after his three week bender following Richmond's premiership. He's less than pleased with some of the decisions made by the Simpleton podcast editorial team.  Please contribute to our Patreon account. We want to produce more content, more often and with your support we can do that. Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out more. 
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Simpleton 73 - An Explainer
Having sat dormant in the studio by himself over the past few weeks, Scot provides the dedicated and diligent Simpleton audience an explainer for recent inactivity.  Please contribute to our Patreon account. We want to produce more content, more often and with your support we can do that. Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out more. 
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Simpleton 72 - A Day in the Life
Scot is back in Berlin after an 84 hour return trip from Miepoll. To adhere to the Simpleton Podcast's shareholders who want to know about the two presenters, we find out about a day in Scot's life.  Please contribute to our Patreon account. We want to produce more content, more often and with your support we can do that. Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out more. 
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Simpleton 71 - Miepoll Town Hall Meeting
Scot and Daniel convene a special meeting of stakeholders, shareholders and contributors at Miepoll Town Hall to discuss the future of the Simpleton Podcast.  Please contribute to our Patreon account. We want to produce more content, more often and with your support we can do that. Scot and Daniel convene a special meeting of stakeholders, shareholders and contributors at Miepoll Town Hall to discuss the future of the Simpleton Podcast.  Please contribute to our Patreon account. We want to produce more content, more often and with your support we can do that. Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out mor
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Simpleton 70 - Mel Gibson
This week Daniel and Scot talk about the Pitcairn Islands, Scotland and steamy mirrors. Please contribute to our Patreon account. We want to produce more content, more often and with your support we can do that. Please visit patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts to find out more.
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Simpleton 69 - Back in Berlin
Scot has moved back to Berlin where it all began. Daniel announces that a Patreon account has been launched to support the shenanigans of the Simpleton. To contribute and become part of all the glory please visit, www.patreon.com/simpletonpodcasts 
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Simpleton 68 - Two on the Trot
Daniel and Scot cover dramatic scenes surrounding the the 30 man march down Railway St. 
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Simpleton 67 - The Comeback Special
After a mere 12 months off, Daniel and Scot are back and worse than ever
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Simpleton 66 - Lazy
After a short five month break, Daniel and Scot are back to tell you about the the latest developments in the planned Benalla and district Super League, among other things.
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Simpleton 65 - The 2015 Christmas Special
It's that time of year again where Daniel and Scot celebrate all tat is Christmas. All funds raised from this Christmas Special go to Daniel and Scot.
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Simpleton 64 - Macca and Evie
After a several month lay off due to laziness and a class action law suit, Daniel and Scot finally return for the Simpleton Podcast.
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Simpleton 63 - Fresh
After an 8 week suspension for their appealing behaviour in episode 62, Daniel and Scot are back. Scot beguiles us with his awful poetry.
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Simpleton 62 - Raw
Raw and unedited and recorded in an undisclosed front lawn in Euroa in the early hours, this is the Simpleton at its most primordial.
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Simpleton 61 - The Year of the Goat
This week Daniel and Scot cross to a number of world enters to help bring in the Chinese New Year. This episode wasn't meant to be the NYE special at all.
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Simpleton 60 - Lenny
Back for 2015, Daniel and Scot take on a trainee Lenny and the boys provide you with the latest on the Kirkland Avenue toilet blocks redevelopment.
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Simpleton 59 - 2014 Christmas Special
It's the third annual Christmas special for all of you to enjoy. Whether you're staying at home or heading away in a motor vehicle. The Simpleton Christmas special will lift your spirits this Christmas.
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Simpleton 58 - Business As Usual
Episode 58 and Daniel and Scot have returned to the helm of the Simpleton Podcast with quite frankly mediocre results.
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Simpleton 57 - In Conversation with Drake Luther
In another truncated edition of the Simpleton, before service resumes as usual next week, legendary film thespian Drake Luthor is interviewed by erotic podcaster Daniel Braystein who's filling in for Claufus, who was filling in for Daniel James, who was filling in for the other Daniel James who was filling in for Scot.
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Simpleton 56 - In Conversation with Daniel Bartholomew James
In a truncated episode legendary film critic Ian Adequate interviews the Simpleton's very own Daniel James.
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Simpleton 55 - The Royal Australian Space Station
In a very special episode Daniel and Scot podcast live from the Royal Australian Space Station and are given a tour by Captain Tom “Bazza” Hanrahan.
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Simpleton 54 - The Shepparton to Violet Town Yacht Race
In a jam packed show Scot and Daniel take part in the annual Shepparton to Violet Town regatta and speak to Professor Steven Bone about an amazing archaeological discovery in North Korea.
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Simpleton 53 - In Claufus Tonight
In a major mistake for the future of the podcast, the Simpleton editorial team has given this week's episode to regular guest Claufus.
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Simpleton 52 - The Rumpus Room
This week Daniel once again joins Scot in Euroa to podcast live from a rumpus room in the aforementioned township.
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Simpleton 51 - Charman Ave Euroa
This week Daniel and Scot record live from a backyard in Charman Avenue Euroa. Among other things, your two hosts discuss the dramatic change in Euroa's skyline.
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Simpleton 50 - John Dudley from the Orient
It's episode 50 believe it or not!! This week the lads are joined by John Dudley from the Orient as a probationary co-host.
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Simpleton 49 - The Drunk Episode
In episode 49 of the Simpleton podcast, both your hosts are clearly drunk. One more so than the other.
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Simpleton 48 - Nathan Building
For almost the second time in a year, Scot and Daniel brung you all you need to know about the world around you in the 48th instalment of The Simpleton Podcast
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Simpleton 47 - Miepoll Separatists
<figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > <img data-stretch="false" data-image="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/1407229381968-BJ4IR8M8HF7E6LGOYZR1/Simpleton+Podcasts+The+Simpleton+web.png" data-image-dimensions="300x300" data-image-focal-point="0.5,0.5" alt="" data-load="false" elementtiming="system-image-block" src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/1407229381968-BJ4IR8M8HF7E6LGOYZR1/Simpleton+Podcasts+The+Simpleton+web.png?format=1000w" width="300" height="300" sizes="(max-width: 640px) 100vw, (max-width: 767px) 33.33333333333333vw, 33.33333333333333vw" onload="this.classList.add(&quot;loaded&quot;)" srcset="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/1407229381968-BJ4IR8M8HF7E6LGOYZR1/Simpleton+Podcasts+The+Simpleton+web.png?format=100w 100w, https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/1407229381968-BJ4IR8M8HF7E6LGOYZR1/Simpleton+Podcasts+The+Simpleton+web.png?format=300w 300w, https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/1407229381968-BJ4IR8M8HF7E6LGOYZR1/Simpleton+Podcasts+The+Simpleton+web.png?format=500w 500w, https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/1407229381968-BJ4IR8M8HF7E6LGOYZR1/Simpleton+Podcasts+The+Simpleton+web.png?format=750w 750w, https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/1407229381968-BJ4IR8M8HF7E6LGOYZR1/Simpleton+Podcasts+The+Simpleton+web.png?format=1000w 1000w, https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/1407229381968-BJ4IR8M8HF7E6LGOYZR1/Simpleton+Podcasts+The+Simpleton+web.png?format=1500w 1500w, https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/1407229381968-BJ4IR8M8HF7E6LGOYZR1/Simpleton+Podcasts+The+Simpleton+web.png?format=2500w 2500w" loading="lazy" decoding="async" data-loader="sqs"> </figure> <p><strong>The lads are back after a short 8 month holiday. It was like they were never apart or ever together. They uncover tensions within Strathbogie Shire and in sister city Miepoll</strong></p>
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Simpleton 46 - The Christmas Special
Like a Christmas present for the people of the world the Simpleton Christmas special will be available to download first thing in the morning. Whether you're on the road, relaxing with family and friends or having a bit of a tough time, the Simpleton podcast is here to give you Christmas cheer no matter your circumstance.
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Simpleton 45 - The Black Rhino
​​Scot is back in Berlin and the podcast returns to its usual scrumptious hilarity including a special performance by celebrity hypnotist Rob Hannel the Mystical.
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Simpleton 44 - The Launch of simpletonpodcasts.com
In a vey special episode live from Shadforth Recreation Reserve in Tamleugh, on the outskirts of Violet Town, Daniel and Scot are joined by a whole host of special guests to officially launch simpletonpodcasts.com
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Simpleton 43 - Debacle
After a busy couple of months Scot and Daniel return to try their hand at podcasting once again. Episode 43 of the Simpleton Podcast is the end result.​
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Simpleton 42 - Corporate Responsibility
Simpleton 42 is here and as a result Daniel and Scot are back. They discuss the plight of Migingo Island and fulfil their corporate obligations by plugging Dale Richardson Investigates.
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Simpleton 41 - Travelogue
After a four and a half month hiatus your two faithful hosts are back bigger and bet...well they are back!
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Simpleton 40 - Sphincton 5000
After several weeks absence Daniel and Scot return. Scot has dug up another 1940s Sci Fi serial and the two funsters talk about the impending release of a new podcast Dale Richardson Investigates.
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Simpleton 39 - Nail it to the Wall
This is episode 39 of the Simpleton that has followed episode 38. This week Scot and Daniel talk the world of chess, frying pans and asparagus.

Simpleton 38 - IMKFLSO
After a two week hiatus the Simpleton is back or should we say the Simpleton Breakfast Radio Show is back. We check out the local music scene and talk about the big issues of the day including Zucchinis.

Simpleton 37 - Life Insurance
This week Daniel and Scot talk Octopus wrestling among other things.

Simpleton 36 - Maple Road
Back from Baddagginnie Daniel and Scot are back to the regular format this week with simply hilarious results.

Simpleton 35a - The Best of the Simpleton 2
Scot is away on assignment so here we have the second instalment of the Best of the Simpleton 2 for your listening enjoyment and nourishment.

Simpleton 35 - All For a Good Cause
The people of Badagginnie host Daniel and Scot as they try to raise money for a very important cause. With a stellar line-up of special guests sit back, listen and let this podcast entertain you.

Simpleton 34 - The Starkey System
This week Daniel and Scot are joint by Claufus as as a special co-host. Scot digs up an old Sci Fi serial in a bid to fill out time and Claufus provides a unique perspective on everything he says

Simpleton 33 - The Tinny Invasion
In a break from the usual podcast we tune into morning radio with Daniel James and his regular guest Scot Gall. We cover a controversial proposal for the Murray River and checkin on the Democratic People's Republic of Tasmania.

Simpleton 32 - Bertie the Muskrat
In their drunkest episode yet Daniel and Scot desperately try to stay on target with mixed results.

Simpleton 31 - Stalin Air
Returning to the regular format Scot and Daniel talk Oscars, self indulgence, narcissism and consumer culture all in the same sentence. Additionally a challenge is set for the people of Great Britan.

Simpleton 30 - Culling Me Softly
In a break from the usual podcast we tune into morning radio with Daniel James and his regular guest Scot Gall. We cover traffic, your horoscopes, taxidermy and the issues of the day.

Simpleton 29 - The Sweat Shop
n a chocablock episode Scot recites some poetry to mark Valentines day and the boys stumble upon the biggest story of their lives.

Simpleton 28 - The People of Mauritius
In this epsisode of the Simpleton Scot drinks Lucozade with mixed results and Daniel implores the people of Mauritus to get off their backsides!

Simpleton 27 - Moldova
Daniel and Scot are back in the swing of things for 2013. This week they explore border issues, climate change and the history of mass chasing.

Simpleton 26 - The Australian Special
Scot is back in Australia for a brief vist in the country he abandoned back in 2009 as a child. His return gave a him and Daniel a rare chance to meet face to face and discuss the issues that matter.

Simpleton 25 - Merry Claufus
In a selfless act of selflesness, Daniel and Scot have put together a Christmasy type special for those who need it on Christmas day. Season's greetings to you all.

Simpleton 24 - The Anti-Bishop
This week Daniel and Scot cross live to Brussels to hear a special Christmas message from the Anti-Bishop. Plus your letters and even more hilarity.

Simpleton 23 - The Midnight Pigeon
In a jam packed episode Scot and Daniel cross to a Claufus half time speech to the Thaloon-Banananana Bulk-cutters and the guys exclusively preview the impending release of the 50th anniversary Blu Ray of the all time classic 'The Midnight Pigeon.'

Simpleton 22 - Malice
This week the Simpleton follows Officer Rickshaw as he patrols the mean streets of Strathbogie Shire and Daniel has a very special offer for the next four people that like www.facebook.com/thesimpleton

Simpleton 21 - Super Dooper
This week Scot catches up with Australian sitcom legend and stand-up comedian Harry Watt, plus listener's letters and other hilarious, fun filled antics from the original odd couple.

Simpleton 20 - Winging It
This week Daniel and Scot have decided to abandon all the gimmicks and have decided that it's all about straight talk. They reveal the plot of the new Star Wars film and have another Peter Lalor revealation

Simpleton 19 - The Great Debate
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27753e4b0b604fae96191/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>To determine the future of the 'World Round-Up' Daniel and Scot debate its future on neutral&nbsp;territory and Scot interviews the Simpleton's international correspondent Claufus.</p> <p><embed bgcolor="#ffffff" allowscriptaccess="always" src="http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fthesimp-20%2F8010%2F283ec19b-f270-4ac5-a934-2cf5d04e21ba&amp;Operation=GetDisplayTemplate" name="Player_283ec19b-f270-4ac5-a934-2cf5d04e21ba" width="600px" id="Player_283ec19b-f270-4ac5-a934-2cf5d04e21ba" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" align="middle" quality="high" height="200px"></embed></p><p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27753e4b0b604fae96192/1351697900253/Ep%2019.mp3">Simpleton 19 - The Great Debate</a></p>
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Simpleton 18 - Goorum Goorum Gong
Scot exposes Daniel's passion for the Southern Hairy Nosed Grey Wombat and takes us on a tour of Schloss Park in his native Germany.

Simpleton 17 - Bruno the Snake
In one of the most self indulgent acts in podcasting history Scot interviews himself and Daniel apologizes to the Simpleton audience for a smutty oversight.

Simpleton 16 - Madame Kong
Sleep deprived and lethargic if there's one Simpleton podcast you should miss, it's this one.

Simpleton 15 - Eureka
This week we preview the upcoming blockbuster movie, "Eureka", Scot interviews Eureka star Drake Luther and the Simpleton has a new cooking segment hosted by none other than chef extraordinaire Louis Fillet.

Simpleton 14 - The Dark Arts
This week Scot dabbles in the paranormal and the Simpleton welcomes a special musical guest.

Simpleton 13a - The Best of
The best from the first 13 episodes of the podcast that changed the world.

Simpleton 13 - La Sonde Final
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96228/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>Scot talks to the Simpleton's new international correspondent and Daniel reviews Jean Paul Riviera's latest film.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96229/1347174969673/Ep%2013.mp3">The Simpleton Episode 13 - La Sonde Final</a></p>
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Simpleton 12 - Return to Render
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae962a3/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>This week Scot finally produces the restored audio of a classic cricket match and Daniel finds some new streams of revenue.</p> <p><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727?mt=2&amp;uo=4" target="itunes_store"><img src="http://r.mzstatic.com/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif" alt="The Simpleton" /> </a></p><p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae962a4/1346586617053/Ep%2012.mp3">The Simpleton Episode 12 - Return to Render</a></p>
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Simpleton 11 - The Drovers Dog
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae962c4/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>Inspired by Daniel's return to stand up, Scot prepares to release a book of poetry and recites some with stunning results.</p> <p><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727?mt=2&amp;uo=4" target="itunes_store"><img src="http://r.mzstatic.com/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif" alt="The Simpleton" /> </a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a onclick="_speakpipe_open_widget(); return false;" href="#">Send a voice message</a></p> <p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae962c5/1346136792063/Ep%2011.mp3">The Simpleton Episode 11 - The Drovers Dog</a></p>
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Simpleton 10 - Roly Poly
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727" target="_blank"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae961f6/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>In a desperate attempt to raise money for the podcast Daniel revives his stand up comedy career and to save money Scot finds an old radio serial to fill time.</p> <p><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727?mt=2&amp;uo=4" target="itunes_store"><img src="http://r.mzstatic.com/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif" alt="The Simpleton" /> </a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a onclick="_speakpipe_open_widget(); return false;" href="#">Send a voice message</a></p> <p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae961f7/1345561110031/Ep.%2010.mp3">The Simpleton Episode 10 - Roly Poly</a></p>
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Simpleton 9 - Sloppy Journalism
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727" target="_blank"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96285/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>This week Scot conducts a "special" interview with self help guru Maximillian Wolfgang van Wilhelm and the Simpleton get's a new voicemail feature</p> <p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96286/1344839325523/Ep.%209.mp3">The Simpleton Episode 9 - Sloppy Journalism</a></p>
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Simpleton 8 - The Rotund 5000
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae962b0/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>Daniel and Scot &nbsp;explore all the major issues confronting the world including "fan death, Olympic prospects in 2016 and claims of corruption in Miepoll city hall.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/swflash.cab" width="500px" id="Player_a0ae4da8-466b-47fb-a206-96a78cba3f44" height="175px"> <embed bgcolor="#ffffff" allowscriptaccess="always" src="http://ws.amazon.com/widgets/q?rt=tf_cw&amp;ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fthesimp-20%2F8010%2Fa0ae4da8-466b-47fb-a206-96a78cba3f44&amp;Operation=GetDisplayTemplate" name="Player_a0ae4da8-466b-47fb-a206-96a78cba3f44" width="500px" id="Player_a0ae4da8-466b-47fb-a206-96a78cba3f44" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" align="middle" quality="high" height="175px"></embed> </object></p> <p></p><p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae962b1/1344351010243/Ep%208.mp3">The Simpleton Episode 8 - The Rotund 5000</a></p>
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Simpleton 7 - Daniel's Left Foot
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27753e4b0b604fae9616a/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>This week Scot advises Daniel on the nuance required in an effective media release and Daniel wishes the Mollymook Impressionists all the best!</p> <p><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727?mt=2&amp;uo=4" target="itunes_store"><img src="http://r.mzstatic.com/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif" alt="The Simpleton" /> </a></p><p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27753e4b0b604fae9616b/1343546573783/Ep%207.m4a">The Simpleton Episode 7 - Daniel's Left Foot</a></p>
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Simpleton 6 - PND
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae962a8/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>This week, keen to get to the bottom over a long gone Danish exchange student Daniel goes on special assignment and Scot previews the Olympics&hellip;kind of.</p> <p><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727?mt=2&amp;uo=4" target="itunes_store"><img src="http://r.mzstatic.com/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif" alt="The Simpleton" /></a></p> <p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae962a9/1342948582077/Ep%206.1.m4a">The Simpleton Episode 6 - PND</a></p>
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Jesper Hansen Proof of Life
<p>As promised in<a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/simpleton-episode-5-jesper/id537868727?i=118208116"> Episode 5 -Jesper from "Denmark"</a>, if Jesper Hansen contacted the Simpleton, we agreed that we would post a copy of the image and email of Jesper holding a copy of the Copenhagen Post. Well here it is. This may require further investigation.</p> <p>Watch this space people, watch this space...</p> <p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae9623f/1342658863667/1000w/Jesper%20Hansen%20and%20mrs%20proving%20existence.jpg" alt="" /></span><span class="thumbnail-caption">Jesper Hansen (and mrs) proving existence</span></span>Scot and Daniel,&nbsp;</p> Once again, loved your podcast, and I was seriously close to tears that I was the subject of the first part of your show, although I felt a twang of pain when you seemed to doubt that I could be a genuine fan of your show. To prove that it really is me, I have attached a picture of me with today's copy of the Copenhagen post as you asked. See attached photo as requested. Looking forward to the next episode, but I would love it if you could both acknowledge that your old pal Jesper is a genuine fan of the show. Jesper <p>&nbsp;</p>

Simpleton 5 - Jesper from "Denmark"
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96224/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>This week Scot shares his deeply personal spiritual journey the boys talk Rat Baiting and respond to listeners letters.</p> <p><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727?mt=2&amp;uo=4" target="itunes_store"><img src="http://r.mzstatic.com/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif" alt="The Simpleton" /></a></p> &nbsp; <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96225/1342494868567/Episode%205.m4a">The Simpleton Episode 5 - Jesper from "Denmark"</a></p>
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Simpleton 4 - Keep on Mufflin
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96254/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></span></span>Another big episode where Daniel and Scot cover all the big issues including in-depth discusions &nbsp;about our future, our youth and Daniel wishes the Beuamaris Moths all the best on their mid season trip to Western Sahara.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727?mt=2&amp;uo=4" target="itunes_store"><img src="http://r.mzstatic.com/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif" alt="The Simpleton" /></a>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96255/1341717825803/04%20Simpleton%20.m4a">The Simpleton Episode 4 - Keep on Mufflin</a></p>
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Simpleton 3 - Sao Tome & Principe
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96277/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></span></span>The Simpleton Podcast reaches new heights of integerity this week as Daniel and Scot discuss all the imporntant issues facing humanity such as the plight of Sao Tome &amp; Principe and Celebrity Chefs. Subscribe on <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727?mt=2&amp;uo=4" target="itunes_store"><img src="http://r.mzstatic.com/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif" alt="The Simpleton" /></a> -&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96278/1341251444027/032%2002072012%20Simpleton.m4a">Sao Tome & Principe</a></p>
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Simpleton 2 - Kockpar
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727"><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27753e4b0b604fae961b0/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></a></span></span>In the second intallment of the Simpleton Podcast Scot and Daniel discuss, among other things, the ancient sport of Kockpar and the evolution of the Australian soap star accent. Now available on <a href="http://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/the-simpleton/id537868727?mt=2&amp;uo=4" target="itunes_store"><img src="http://r.mzstatic.com/images/web/linkmaker/badge_itunes-sm.gif" alt="The Simpleton" /></a> </p><p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27753e4b0b604fae961b1/1340541916537/The%20Simpleton%2002%20240612.m4a">The Simpleton Episode 2 - Kockpar</a></p>
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Introducing The Simpleton Podcast
<p><span class="full-image-float-left ssNonEditable"><span><img src="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae96269/1340809335653/1000w/The%20Simpleton%2003.jpg" alt="" /></span></span>The Simpleton Podcast aims to present news and views to you as simply as possible. Simplicity is the only way your two hosts Daniel James and Scot Gall know how, anything more would give them both a headache.</p> <p>So join us, sit back and relax, perhaps even have a laugh at the Simpleton.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://static.squarespace.com/static/51ccf81be4b080d019390270/51d27752e4b0b604fae95f38/51d27754e4b0b604fae9626a/1340334557088/The%20Simpleton%2001%20180612.m4a">The Simpleton Podcast</a></p>
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