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Girls!Girls!Girls...Talk Patient Education  RSS Feed  Subscribe Via iTunes  Zune Subscribe
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Girls! Girls! Girls. . . Talk Patient Education! is a podcast series focusing on patient education issues, featuring recorded audio interviews with masters in the healthcare field. Produced by Pritchett & Hull a patient education materials publisher.

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Girls! Girls! Girls. . . Talk Patient Education!
Girls! Girls! Girls. . . Talk Patient Education! is a podcast series focusing on patient education issues, featuring recorded audio interviews with masters in the healthcare field. It is produced by Pritchett & Hull, a leading provider in patient education material since 1973.

Mary McGoldrick Talks About Patient Education!
<p><strong>Girls! Girls! Girls. . . Talk About Patient Education! with Mary McGoldrick</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong>In this episode, Pritchett &amp; Hull Advisory Board member,Mary McGoldrick, offers suggestions on keeping up-to-date and in compliance with The Joint Commission&rsquo;s home care standards and National Patient Safety Goals. </p> <p><em>Links: </em></p> <ul> <li>Home Health Systems (<a href="http://www.homecareandhospice.com">www.homecareandhospice.com</a>) </li> <li>The Joint Commission (<a href="http://www.jointcommission.org">www.jointcommission.org</a>) </li> <li>Community Health Accreditation Program (<a href="http://www.chapinc.org">www.chapinc.org</a>) </li> <li>Accreditation Commission for Health Care (<a href="http://www.achc.org">www.achc.org</a>) </li> <li>Home Healthcare Nurse (homehealthcarenurseonline.com) </li> <li>Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (<a href="http://www.apic.org">www.apic.org</a>) </li> <li>Journal of Infusion Nursing (<a href="http://www.journalofinfusionnursing.com">www.journalofinfusionnursing.com</a>) </li> </ul> <p>Mary is a Home Care and Hospice Consultant for Home Health Systems, Inc. a home care consulting firm in St. Simon&rsquo;s Island, Georgia where she has provided consultation and education on Joint Commission standards, infection prevention and control activities, patient safety and performance improvement topics for the past 17 years. </p> <p>Mary began her home care career over 30 years ago as a home health aide and over that time has served in a myriad of capacities including over 11 years as a home care and hospice nurse surveyor for The Joint Commission. Mary lectures on home care topics and for 10 years served as educational faculty for The Joint Commission. </p> <p>Mary is the co-author of Infection Control in Home Care and Hospice book, an official publication of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) and the author of the Home Care Infection Prevention and Control Program and Home Care and Hospice Medication Management manual. She has also published over 70 journal articles, and authored several other books, chapters and manuals. </p> <p>Ms. McGoldrick is a member of the Editorial Review Boards for the Journal of Infusion Nursing and the Home Healthcare Nurse. For 10 years, Mary was also a department editor and contributing author to the &quot;Accreditation Strategies&quot; column for the Home Healthcare Nurse journal. </p>
Unknown: Unknown

Girls! Girls! Girls. . . Pat Mathews Talks Patient Education!
In this episode, Pat Mathews offers some exciting strategies for motivating your patient education team.
Unknown: Unknown

Girls! Girls! Girls. . . Sandy Cornett Talks Patient Education!
In this episode, Sandy Cornett offers her expertise on How to Evaluate Low-Literacy Patient Education Material.
Unknown: Unknown

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