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Concepts of Metal Hardness Tests
Brinell Hardness Test  Rockwell Hardness Test    Vickers Hardness Test  

Steel Making - The Magic of Recycling - (from scrap to steel product)

What's Mechanical Engineering
What is Mechanical Engineering?  Careers in Mechanical Engineering   Graduates from the Mechanical Engineering BS program join many different industries, financial firms, and graduate programs depending on their interests. What can you do with Mechanical Engineering?   This Post Was Inspired From Mechanics Tips which present good mechanics Learning Material

Production of drill bits
This Video Shows How Drill Bits Made 

Quality Management Systems
WHAT IS QUALITY?  According to the American Society for Quality, “quality” can be defined in the following ways:  ✔ Based on customer’s perceptions of a product/service’s design and how well the design matches           the original specifications. ✔ The ability of a product/service to satisfy stated or implied needs. ✔ Achieved by conforming to established

Magic of Mechanics Epicyclic (Planetary) gears
Epicyclic gearing - Invention: In the 2nd-century AD treatise Almagest, Ptolemy utilized turning deferent and epicycles that Makes epicyclic gear trains to foresee the movements of the planets. Precise expectations of the development of the Sun, Moon and the five planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, across the sky assumed that each followed a trajectory traced by a point on the

First Car That Runs on Salt Water

All about CNC Machines
CNC Machining is a process used in the manufacturing sector that involves the use of computers to control machine tools. Tools that can be controlled in this manner include lathes, mills, routers and grinders. The CNC in CNC Machining stands for Computer Numerical Control.  On the surface, it may look like a normal PC controls the machines, but the computer's unique software and control

Video : The Power Of Friction - Welding
in this video , you will see how friction have the power to weld two metals with each other ( this welding process also used for repairing the petroleum Tubular)  

in Earth Day: 30 scenes around the world for our planet suffering
The world celebrate with earth day every year at : 22 april for the 42th respectively in 175 country around the world , this day aims to spread the awareness and interest with Environment and Nature for the earth . this was found by U.S senator : Gaylord Nelson , it was held for the first time at 22 april 1970 so , with this anniversary we will review some of the scenes around

Top Ten : Tallest Buildings in the World
in this topic we will take about the tallest Buildings in the world that has built 1- Khalefa Tower in Dubai - UAE (828 Meter long ) building starts at : 2004  finished at :  2010  it has a division for offices ,  housing , and hotels 2- Clock Tower in Makka , Saudi Arabia ( 601 Meter long ) building starts at : 2004  finished at :  2012  

Welding High Temperature Pressure Pipes
Abstract : In this research we will explain the usage of Pipelines in our life and some problems that may happens to it and how to overcome this , we will also explain the different welding techniques and how to select the best for the needed situation . Also we will review the welding defects and how to remedies it , the defects that happens to high pressure and temperature pipelines (

Top Three Common Problems for Car Engine
Top Three Common Problems for Car Engine  Once morning your engine doesn't start... What's wrong? if you know how engine works, you can understand the basic things that keep an engine from working. their is Three fundamentals reasons for that problem : lack of compression , a bad fuel mixor or lack of spark. Beyond that, thousands of minor reasons that can create problems, but these are

Trick Photography And Special Effects E-Book Review
Trick Photography and Special Effects by Evan Sharboneau is a popular Educational eBook that shows how to do make the photos trick that often capture attention and from viewers. It is detailed and includes explanations of many complicated techniques that are fun to learn. I found this eBook is very useful and original. This eBook is inspiring with new ideas and techniques. It is

Cremel mountain is one of the most important landmarks in HEFA, so the iseralian army created this subway to make it easier for the visitors but it was hard to use the cable way with such huge numbers so the made the sub way but how it will move on the mount: Here is the answer: The solution is sub way moves within slanted stations , It is called funicular which is used in the most dangerous

4,8 million Dollar LAMBERGINI prototype!
If you have extra money do not buy a 379 thousand $ LAMBERGIBI but instead but the 4,8 million $ prototype of it Can you imagine that the small prototype of the car is more expensive than the car it self The reason here is that the car is decorated with diamonds reach 2,7million $ This car will be sold in public auction next Saturday 25 and I can`t imagine who will buy it with such price and

Scientists discover dual suns planet!
It may be reasonable if we heard this in a Hollywood movie to be presented in a reliable scientific research this is somehow amazing: The scientist and researchers of KEPLER-16B discovered a dual suns planet which means that it has two sunsets instead of one This planet name is KEPLER-16B and it is 200 light years from our earth and lies in the CYGRUS orbit The

4 years old Chinese girl drive the car through the crowd
This video has achieved great success on the internet in this video a father teaching his 4 years daughter driving through very crowded street and the strange thing here that he didn`t fasten her seat belt

DUBAI breaks the international record by presenting the longest metro without driver
Sheikh MUHAMMED RASHED AL-MAKTOM opened few hours ago the last phase of DUBAI metro by opening the green line: With this project DUBAI broke the international record by presenting the longest auto metro This metro is 23 km and go through 23 station and has the largest metro station in the world that reaches 25 thousand m which called the union station New

1,5 billion KM from earth: amazing Photo of Saturn`s rings
Can you imagine that this amazing image we see right now was captured 1, 5 billion KM from earth This image was captured by CASEBNY HOPGENS the space ship and in this image the small white spot is our planet

Rhinoceros chair
Very strange design for a chair designed by the Spanish designer MAXIMO REERA This chair was exposed in 100% design gallery in London the last month (22- 25 September)

Amazing video for MECCA`S royal tower

SHARD tower in London
Great image for SHARD tower in London

How will it look like if it is made out of leather? This image was published by the French company DATZ FR after covering it with leather The French company do whatever the customer ask and they are very professional in this field Impressive idea but is it effective?

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